课程模块 |
学分 |
学时 |
授课模式 |
通识通修 |
66.0 |
1122 |
中/英文 |
学科专业 |
86.0 |
1376 |
英文 |
综合素质 |
6.0 |
96 |
中文 |
综合实践 |
9.0 |
144 |
英文 |
1. 学科基础课程(共2门课程,7.0学分)
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
NXC4012 |
工程力学 |
3.5学分 |
NXC4008 |
工程设计方法 |
3.5学分 |
2. 学科核心课程(共22门课程,79.0学分)
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
QXU4000 |
材料学I-结构与性能 |
3.5学分 |
QXU4006 |
材料学II-加工与应用 |
3.5学分 |
QXU4001 |
材料分子学 |
3.5学分 |
NXC4010 |
功能材料概论 |
3.5学分 |
QXU4011 |
工程材料概论 |
4.0学分 |
QXU4007 |
材料学实验I |
3.5学分 |
QXU5017 |
材料学实验II |
3.5学分 |
NXC4022 |
热力学与相变 |
3.5学分 |
QXU5002 |
材料化学 |
4.0学分 |
QXU5010 |
表面与界面 |
3.5学分 |
NXC5015 |
结构表征 |
3.5学分 |
NXC5026 |
金属I-变形与强化 |
3.5学分 |
QXU5030 |
复合材料 |
3.5学分 |
QXU5032 |
高分子材料物理性能 |
4.0学分 |
NXC5036 |
金属II-合金与热处理 |
3.5学分 |
QXU6002 |
材料设计与选择 |
4.0学分 |
QXU6007 |
材料的环境性能 |
3.5学分 |
QXU6022 |
陶瓷 |
4.0学分 |
NXC6023 |
疲劳与蠕变 |
3.0学分 |
NXC6024 |
断裂力学 |
3.0学分 |
NXC6025 |
制造技术 |
4.0学分 |
QXU7027 |
可再生能源材料 |
3.5学分 |

1. 思想政治理论课程(共5门课程,16.0学分)
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
NXC2001 |
思政课I-中国近现代史纲要 |
2.0学分 |
NXC2002 |
思政课II-马克思主义基本原理 |
3.0学分 |
NXC2003 |
思政课II-思想道德修养与法律基础 |
3.0学分 |
NXC2004 |
思政课IV-毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
6.0学分 |
NXC2005 |
形势与政策 |
2.0学分 |
2. 军事课程(共2门课程,3.0学分)
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
U34G11002 |
军事理论 |
2.0学分 |
U34P41001 |
军事技能训练 |
1.0学分 |
3. 心理成长与个人发展课程(共1门课程,0.5学分)
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
U34G11001 |
大学生心理健康教育 |
0.5学分 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
QXU3111 |
个人发展规划I |
3.5学分 |
QXU4111 |
个人发展规划II |
3.5学分 |
QXU5111 |
个人发展规划III |
3.5学分 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
QXU3101 |
英语I |
3.5学分 |
QXU3102 |
英语II |
5.5学分 |
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
U31G71001 |
体育I |
1.0学分 |
U31G71002 |
体育II |
1.0学分 |
U31G71003 |
体育III |
1.0学分 |
U31G71004 |
体育IV |
1.0学分 |
6. 分层次通修课程(共5门课程,23.0学分)
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
NXC3000 |
高等数学I |
5.5学分 |
NXC3004 |
高等数学II |
5.5学分 |
NXC3002 |
线性代数 |
3.0学分 |
NXC3005 |
数学建模与计算 |
4.0学分 |
NXC3001 |
大学物理 |
5.0学分 |
1. 学科基础课程(共2门课程,7.0学分)
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
NXC4012 |
工程力学 |
3.5学分 |
NXC4008 |
工程设计方法 |
3.5学分 |
2. 专业核心课程(共22门课程,79.0学分)
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
QXU4000 |
材料学I-结构与性能 |
3.5学分 |
QXU4006 |
材料学II-加工与应用 |
3.5学分 |
QXU4001 |
材料分子学 |
3.5学分 |
NXC4010 |
功能材料概论 |
3.5学分 |
QXU4011 |
工程材料概论 |
4.0学分 |
QXU4007 |
材料学实验I |
3.5学分 |
QXU5017 |
材料学实验II |
3.5学分 |
NXC4022 |
热力学与相变 |
3.5学分 |
QXU5002 |
材料化学 |
4.0学分 |
QXU5010 |
表面与界面 |
3.5学分 |
NXC5015 |
结构表征 |
3.5学分 |
NXC5026 |
金属I-变形与强化 |
3.5学分 |
QXU5030 |
复合材料 |
3.5学分 |
QXU5032 |
高分子材料物理性能 |
4.0学分 |
NXC5036 |
金属II-合金与热处理 |
3.5学分 |
QXU6002 |
材料设计与选择 |
4.0学分 |
QXU6007 |
材料的环境性能 |
3.5学分 |
QXU6022 |
陶瓷 |
4.0学分 |
NXC6023 |
疲劳与蠕变 |
3.0学分 |
NXC6024 |
断裂力学 |
3.0学分 |
NXC6025 |
制造技术 |
4.0学分 |
QXU7027 |
可再生能源材料 |
3.5学分 |
2. 经管法类课程:
3. 人文素养类课程:
1. 毕业设计/论文(共1门课程,8.0学分)
课程编码 |
课程名称 |
学分 |
QXU6021 |
材料专业毕业设计 |
8.0学分 |
2. 科研训练(1.0学分)
课程模块 |
课程代码 |
课程名称 |
学时/ 学分 |
考核分配 |
各学期学时分配 |
考试√ |
考查√ |
讲课 |
实验 (上机) |
一 1st |
二 2nd |
三 3rd |
四 4th |
五 5th |
六 6th |
七 7th |
八 8th |
通识通修 |
通识通修 |
NXC2001 |
思政课I-中国近代史纲要 |
32/2.0 |
√ |
32 |
32/2.0 |
NXC2002 |
思政课II-马克思主义基本原理 |
48/3.0 |
√ |
24 |
24 |
48/3.0 |
NXC2003 |
思政课II-思想道德修养与法律基础 |
48/3.0 |
√ |
24 |
24 |
48/3.0 |
NXC2004 |
思政课IV-毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 |
96/6.0 |
√ |
48 |
48 |
96/6.0 |
NXC2005 |
形势与政策 |
32/2.0 |
√ |
32 |
32/2.0 |
U34G11002 |
军事理论 |
32/2.0 |
√ |
32 |
32/2.0 |
U34P41001 |
军事技能训练 |
16/1.0 |
√ |
3周/1.0 |
U34G11001 |
大学生心理健康教育 |
8/0.5 |
√ |
8 |
在本科导师指导下学生按需自选 |
QXU3111 |
个人发展规划I |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
24/1.5 |
32/2.0 |
QXU4111 |
个人发展规划II |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
24/1.5 |
32/2.0 |
QXU5111 |
个人发展规划III |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
24/1.5 |
32/2.0 |
QXU3101 |
英语I |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU3102 |
英语II |
88/5.5 |
√ |
88 |
88/5.5 |
U31G71001 |
体育I |
32/1.0 |
√ |
32/1.0 |
U31G71002 |
体育II |
32/1.0 |
√ |
32/1.0 |
U31G71003 |
体育III |
32/1.0 |
√ |
32/1.0 |
U31G71004 |
体育IV |
32/1.0 |
√ |
32/1.0 |
NXC3000 |
高等数学I |
88/5.5 |
√ |
78 |
10 |
88/5.5 |
NXC3004 |
高等数学II |
88/5.5 |
√ |
88 |
88/5.5 |
NXC3001 |
大学物理 |
82/5.0 |
√ |
50 |
32 |
82/5.0 |
NXC3002 |
线性代数 |
48/3.0 |
√ |
48 |
48/3.0 |
NXC3005 |
数学建模与计算 |
64/4.0 |
√ |
40 |
24 |
64/4.0 |
小计 |
1122/66.0 |
学科专业 |
学科专业 |
NXC4012 |
工程力学 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
46 |
10 |
56/3.5 |
NXC4008 |
工程设计方法 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
40 |
16 |
56/3.5 |
QXU4000 |
材料学I-结构与性能 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU4006 |
材料学II-加工与应用 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU4001 |
材料分子学 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
NXC4010 |
功能材料概论 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
40 |
16 |
56/3.5 |
QXU4011 |
工程材料概论 |
64/4.0 |
√ |
48 |
16 |
24/1.5 |
40/2.5 |
QXU4007 |
材料学实验I |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU5017 |
材料学实验I I |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
NXC4022 |
热力学与相变 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU5002 |
材料化学 |
64/4.0 |
√ |
56 |
8 |
64/4.0 |
QXU5010 |
表面与界面 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
48 |
8 |
56/3.5 |
NXC5015 |
结构表征 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
NXC5026 |
金属I-变形与强化 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
40 |
16 |
56/3.5 |
QXU5030 |
复合材料 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU5032 |
高分子材料物理性能 |
64/4.0 |
√ |
56 |
8 |
64/4.0 |
NXC5036 |
金属II-合金与热处理 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
40 |
16 |
56/3.5 |
QXU6002 |
材料设计与选择 |
64/4.0 |
√ |
48 |
16 |
64/4.0 |
QXU6007 |
材料的环境性能 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU6022 |
陶瓷 |
64/4.0 |
√ |
56 |
8 |
64/4.0 |
NXC6023 |
疲劳与蠕变 |
48/3.0 |
√ |
40 |
8 |
48/3.0 |
NXC6024 |
断裂力学 |
48/3.0 |
√ |
40 |
8 |
48/3.0 |
NXC6025 |
制造技术 |
64/4.0 |
√ |
54 |
10 |
64/4.0 |
QXU7027 |
可再生能源材料 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
小计 |
1376/86.0 |
综合素质(选修课程) |
综合素质(选修课程) |
U01L11001 |
航空概论 |
学生可在西北工业大学综合素养类课程清单中选修,每学期开设的上述课程详见当学期选课手册。 |
U02L11001 |
航天概论 |
U03L11001 |
航海概论 |
U30L11001 |
艺术导论 |
U30L11002 |
音乐鉴赏 |
U30L11007 |
戏曲鉴赏 |
U30L11003 |
美术鉴赏 |
…… |
…… |
小计 |
96/6.0 |
综合实践 |
综合实践 |
QXU6021 |
材料专业毕业设计 |
128/8.0 |
√ |
128 |
128/8.0 |
科研训练 |
16/1.0 |
在本科导师指导下学生参加 |
小计 |
144/9.0 |
总学时/学分合计:2738/167.0 |
附注说明:课程代号QX为英方教师授课,NX为中方教师英文授课,U为教育部规定必修中文授课的军事理论课程及部分中文选修课程等 |


Education Programme for Undergraduates(English Version)
NPU Education Programme for Undergraduates
(QMUL Engineering School)
1. Programme Introduction
Materials are the basic necessity of human existence. Materials science and engineering is the foundation of science, technology, and manufacturing. As a syncretic discipline hybridising materials science, engineering, physics, and chemistry, materials science and engineering builds the foundation of aviation, marine engineering, new energy, information technology, renewable resources, and intelligent manufacturing. Material discipline, which covers metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites, is one of the most influential and distinct disciplines in Queen Mary University of London (hereinafter as QMUL). The Materials programme of QMUL provides elite education and professional training for students with a thorough grounding in the structure of materials, the properties of materials, the performance of materials and the manufacturing processes and design. The discipline has been rated as 5-star by the British government many times. A survey conducted by the National Union of Students in 2011 showed that it ranked top 1 in the UK. The Materials programmes in Northwestern Polytechnical University (hereinafter as NPU) enjoy a high reputation and a great popularity internationally. Materials Science and Engineering of NPU is the National Key Discipline and ranked top 3 among all National Key Disciplines in the 2012 Discipline Evaluation in China. NPU also has 6 scientific research and talent-training platforms at national level.
Approved by the Ministry of Education of China, NPU and QMUL have launched a joint educational institution named Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, Northwestern Polytechnical University (hereinafter as JEI), in order to provide Chinese students with typical British education that emphasises on developing undergraduate students’ innovation ability. The JEI, which builds on the acknowledged expertise and experience of the two universities and their complementary research strengths in materials science, fully uses educational resource advantages and high-level international cooperation platforms of both universities to provide a high quality degree level education in the programme of Materials Science and Engineering (080401H). The programme draws on the academic expertise of both institutions and adopts an international teaching mode with curriculum system, teaching materials, and assessment methods from the UK. The mission of this programme is to develop qualified and innovative talents who can study and work transnationally with the knowledge of natural science, materials science and engineering, and social science. Students graduate with comprehensive qualities, high professional competencies, a global horizon, a life-long study ability, and recognition of international rules.
2. Educational Aims
Under the guidance of Marxism, this programme aims to enhance morality and foster talents, to develop qualified and innovative talents who can study and work transnationally with the knowledge of natural science, materials science and engineering, and social science. Students graduate with comprehensive qualities, high professional competencies, a global horizon, a life-long study ability, and the recognition of international rules. Students who have completed their studies are able to pursue higher degrees and research within universities in China and internationally or careers in the expanding materials science and manufacturing industry in world famous enterprises.
(1)Be equipped with solid basic knowledge and professional skills
Students should master basic principles in materials science and engineering, experimental and computing methods in the field of engineering and materials science, and knowledge of material design and making, material forming and shaping, product design, and application development. Students should be equipped with the ability to research and analyse the structure, the properties and the performance of metallic materials, inorganic nonmetallic materials, composite materials, and advanced materials. Students are able to solve technical problems in their professional field.
(2)Be equipped with international competitiveness
Students become highly proficient in English language: reading English materials and books in materials science, writing academic essays in English, and conducting technical presentations in English. The programme develops students’ global horizon and the recognition of international rules via the British teaching mode and overseas internship programme. Students can obtain, use and manage various information to conduct cross-cultural communication and cooperation with innovative abilities and international competitiveness. Students can recognize Chinese characteristics and international comparisons correctly, as well as comprehend modern China and the world objectively and comprehensively.
(3)Be equipped with the ability of life-long study
Students should stick to Marxist theory, promote and practice Socialist Core Values, recognize the responsibility of times and mission of history, and to understand ambition and dedication correctly. Students should have a strong sense of social responsibility, a healthy mental and moral state, the ability of leading and working in teams, and outstanding communicative and practical skills. Equipped with good presentation skills and writing abilities, students can communicate effectively with their peers and the public about complex engineering and scientific problems. The consciousness of life-long study can help students to adapt to dynamic changes, and master the cutting-edge knowledge and new trends in the field of materials science so as to constantly improve students’ abilities.
3. Educational Requirements
(1)Master basic knowledge
Students should master: extensive knowledge in the field of materials science including materials science and engineering, the structure of materials, the properties of materials, the performance of materials, the manufacturing processes and design, and application and development; intensive professional knowledge, including surfaces and interfaces, materials chemistry, polymer materials, ceramic materials, renewable materials, and sustainable development; experimental and computational methods in the field of engineering and materials science.
(2)Develop professional skills
Students should be equipped with creative problem-solving and transferable skills and recognize the important value of materials science to engineering and other technologies. On the premise of safety, students conduct various experiments practically and are able to design, conduct, analyze and evaluate experiments and the results. Theoretically, students are familiar with the operation of all kinds of equipment used in experiments, tests, and analysis and are capable of searching, collecting and selecting data and presenting scientific and technical report. At last, students should have related abilities to conduct scientific research and develop technology and products.
(3)Develop comprehensive qualities
Students should have the abilities of international competitiveness, communication, life-long study, independent study and work, and leading and working in teams. Students can estimate the relevance, importance and reliability of various information and realize the influence of science and engineering on the future of the society worldwide. Students are capable of computing, analyzing and managing data, and communicating and cooperating transnationally with innovative ability and international competitiveness. Students are exposed to cutting-edge technology changes in the field of materials and can improve themselves constantly in practice.
4. Qualification and Degree Certificate
Official length of the programme: 4+0 years’ study in accordance with the credit management system.
Qualification and certificate: Successful students of the programme will be awarded diploma by NPU, BEng degree by NPU, and BEng degree by QMUL
5. Fundamental Credits/ Hours
Materials Science and Engineering (080401H), total modules 51, credits 167.0, teaching hours 2738, detailed credits and hours as followed:
Module |
Credit |
Hour |
Language |
General Education |
66.0 |
1122 |
Chinese/English |
Discipline |
86.0 |
1376 |
English |
Comprehensive Literacy |
6.0 |
96 |
Chinese |
Comprehensive Practices |
9.0 |
144 |
English |
6. Discipline Module
Materials Science and Engineering (080401H) discipline module, total modules 24, credits 86.0/1376, detailed modules as followed:
A. Discipline elementary modules (2 modules, 7.0 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
NXC4012 |
Mechanical Modelling |
3.5 credits |
NXC4008 |
Engineering Design Methods |
3.5 credits |
B. Discipline core modules (22 modules, 79.0 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
QXU4000 |
MS I-Structure and Properties |
3.5 credits |
QXU4001 |
Molecules to Materials |
3.5 credits |
QXU4006 |
MS II-Processing and Applications |
3.5 credits |
NXC4010 |
Introduction to Functional Materials |
3.5 credits |
QXU4011 |
Introduction to Engineering Materials |
4.0 credits |
QXU4007 |
Experiments in Materials 1 |
3.5 credits |
QXU5017 |
Experiments in Materials 2 |
3.5 credits |
NXC4022 |
Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations |
3.5 credits |
QXU5002 |
Chemistry for Materials |
4.0 credits |
QXU5010 |
Surfaces and Interfaces |
3.5 credits |
NXC5015 |
Structural Characterisation |
3.5 credits |
NXC5026 |
Metals I-Deformation and Strengthening |
3.5 credits |
QXU5030 |
Composite Materials |
3.5 credits |
QXU5032 |
Physical Properties of Polymers |
4.0 credits |
NXC5036 |
Metals II-Alloy Systems and Heat Treatment |
3.5 credits |
QXU6002 |
Materials Selection in Design |
4.0 credits |
QXU6007 |
Environmental Properties of Materials |
3.5 credits |
QXU6022 |
Ceramics |
4.0 credits |
NXC6023 |
Fatigue and Creep Failure |
3.0 credits |
NXC6024 |
Fracture Mechanics |
3.0 credits |
NXC6025 |
Manufacturing Processes |
4.0 credits |
QXU7027 |
Renewable Energy Materials |
3.5 credits |
7. Curriculum Modules and Credits, total 51 modules,167.0 credits
There are 4 modules in this major, as:
◆ General education module : 22 modules, 66.0 credits/ 1122 hours;
◆ Discipline module: 24 modules, 86.0 credits/ 1376 hours;
◆ Comprehensive literacy module: at least 3 modules, 6.0 credits/ 96hours;
◆ Comprehensive practices module : 2 modules, 9.0 credits/ 144 hours;
Except for Ideological and political theory modules, Military modules, Mental growth and personal development modules and PE modules (23.5 credits), QMUL taught modules are 79.0 credits, and NPU taught modules are 64.5 credits, 20 introduced modules are English Language, PDP, 14 discipline core modules and major project.

(1) General education modules (22 modules, 66.0 credits)
A. Ideological and political theory modules (5 modules, 16.0 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
NXC2001 |
Chinese compulsory courses I-Essentials of Chinese Modern History |
2.0 credits |
NXC2002 |
Chinese compulsory courses II-Marxism General Principle |
3.0 credits |
NXC2003 |
Chinese compulsory courses III-Ethics and Fundamental of Law |
3.0 credits |
NXC2004 |
Chinese compulsory courses IV-Fundamental of Mao Ze Dong Thoughts |
6.0 credits |
NXC2005 |
Situation and Policy |
2.0 credits |
B. Military modules (2 modules, 3.0 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
U34G11002 |
Military Theory |
2.0 credits |
U34P41001 |
Military Training |
1.0 credit |
C. Mental growth and personal development modules (1 module, 0.5 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
U34G11001 |
Students Mental Health Education |
0.5 credit |
D. Career planning and development modules (3 module, 10.5 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
QXU3111 |
3.5 credits |
QXU4111 |
3.5 credits |
QXU5111 |
3.5 credits |
E. University general education modules (6modules, 13.0 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
QXU3101 |
English Language I |
3.5 credits |
QXU3102 |
English Language II |
5.5 credits |
Physical Education is compulsory module in the first to the fourth semester, taking 1 credit every semester. Students can freely choose different module according to their majors, physical conditions, interesting and physical basis.
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
U31G71001 |
Physical education I |
1.0 credit |
U31G71002 |
Physical education II |
1.0 credit |
U31G71003 |
Physical education III |
1.0 credit |
U31G71004 |
Physical education IV |
1.0 credit |
F. Level-based general education modules (5 modules, 23.0 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
NXC3000 |
Advanced Maths I |
5.5 credits |
NXC3004 |
Advanced Maths II |
5.5 credits |
NXC3002 |
Linear Algebra |
3.0 credits |
NXC3005 |
Mathematical Modelling and Computing |
4.0 credits |
NXC3001 |
General Physics |
5.0 credits |
(2) Discipline Modules (24 modules, 86.0 credits)
A. Discipline elementary modules (2 modules, 7.0 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
NXC4012 |
Mechanical Modelling |
3.5 credits |
NXC4008 |
Engineering Design Methods |
3.5 credits |
B. Discipline core modules (22 modules, 79.0 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
QXU4000 |
MS I-Structure and Properties |
3.5 credits |
QXU4006 |
MS II-Processing and Applications |
3.5 credits |
QXU4001 |
Molecules to Materials |
3.5 credits |
NXC4010 |
Introduction to Functional Materials |
3.5 credits |
QXU4011 |
Introduction to Engineering Materials |
4.0 credits |
QXU4007 |
Experiments in Materials 1 |
3.5 credits |
QXU5017 |
Experiments in Materials 2 |
3.5 credits |
NXC4022 |
Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations |
3.5 credits |
QXU5002 |
Chemistry for Materials |
4.0 credits |
QXU5010 |
Surfaces and Interfaces |
3.5 credits |
NXC5015 |
Structural Characterisation |
3.5 credits |
NXC5026 |
Metals I-Deformation and Strengthening |
3.5 credits |
QXU5030 |
Composite Materials |
3.5 credits |
QXU5032 |
Physical Properties of Polymers |
4.0 credits |
NXC5036 |
Metals II-Alloy Systems and Heat Treatment |
3.5 credits |
QXU6002 |
Materials Selection in Design |
4.0 credits |
QXU6007 |
Environmental Properties of Materials |
3.5 credits |
QXU6022 |
Ceramics |
4.0 credits |
NXC6023 |
Fatigue and Creep Failure |
3.0 credits |
NXC6024 |
Fracture Mechanics |
3.0 credits |
NXC6025 |
Manufacturing Processes |
4.0 credits |
QXU7027 |
Renewable Energy Materials |
3.5 credits |
(3) Comprehensive literacy modules (6.0 credits, at least 3 modules, students are suggested to choose English taught modules)
A. Scientific literacy modules: subjects on natural science such as introduction to aeronautics, astronautics and navigation, environment, biology and etc. Students must take one module among “An Introduction to Aviation”, “An Introduction to Astronautics”, and “An Introduction to Marine Navigation”.
B. Modules on economics, management and law: including economy, management, legal education and etc.
C. Humanities modules: including philosophy, ethics, history, culture, language, literature, society, aesthetics, life and development, and etc.
D. Art literacy modules: students can choose modules form “An Introduction to Art”, “Music Appreciation”, “Art Appreciation”, “Film Appreciation”, “Drama Appreciation”, “Dance Appreciation”, “Calligraphy Appreciation”, and “Chinese Opera Appreciation”.
It is suggested that students should choose English taught modules, from all four categories above. Each module offered in each semester will be included in the course selection manual.
(4) Comprehensive practices (2 modules, 9.0 credits)
A. Design for graduation (1 module, 8.0 credits)
Module Code |
Module Name |
Credit |
QXU6021 |
Materials Project |
8.0 credits |
B. Scientific research project modules(1.0 credit)
Students can participate in a variety forms of scientific research training including innovative research programmes, academic competition, innovative and business training plan for college students, academic competitions, “Peak Experience Plan”, social research, and scientific research project. Students are encouraged to participate in a variety forms of central practice such as overseas practice, international internship, winter and summer camp.
Curriculum Modules and Credits Table
Module |
Code of Course |
Name of Course |
Credit/ Hour |
Test Approach |
Hour Distribution |
Hour Distribution for Semesters |
Exam√ |
Test√ |
Teach |
Practice (Computer) |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
General education |
General education |
NXC2001 |
Chinese Compulsory Modules I Essentials of Chinese Modern History |
32/2.0 |
√ |
32/2.0 |
NXC2002 |
Chinese Compulsory Modules II Marxism General Principle |
48/3.0 |
√ |
48/3.0 |
32/2.0 |
NXC2003 |
Chinese Compulsory Modules III Ethics and Fundamental of Law |
48/3.0 |
√ |
48/3.0 |
NXC2004 |
Chinese Compulsory Modules IVFundamental of Mao Ze Dong Thoughts |
96/6.0 |
√ |
96/6.0 |
NXC2005 |
Situation and Policy |
32/2.0 |
√ |
32/2.0 |
U34G11002 |
Military Theory |
32/2.0 |
√ |
32 |
32/2.0 |
U34P41001 |
Military Training |
16/1.0 |
√ |
3w/1.0 |
U34G11001 |
Students Mental Health Education |
8/0.5 |
8 |
Select under the guidance of tutor |
QXU3111 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
24/1.5 |
32/2.0 |
QXU4111 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
24/1.5 |
32/2.0 |
QXU5111 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
24/1.5 |
32/2.0 |
QXU3101 |
English Language I |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU3102 |
English Language II |
88/5.5 |
√ |
88 |
88/5.5 |
U34G11002 |
Physical Education I |
32/1.0 |
√ |
32 |
32/1.0 |
U34P41001 |
Physical Education II |
32/1.0 |
√ |
32 |
32/1.0 |
U31G71001 |
Physical Education III |
32/1.0 |
√ |
32 |
32/1.0 |
U31G71002 |
Physical Education IV |
32/1.0 |
√ |
32 |
32/1.0 |
NXC3000 |
Advanced Maths I |
88/5.5 |
√ |
78 |
10 |
88/5.5 |
NXC3004 |
Advanced Maths II |
88/5.5 |
√ |
88 |
88/5.5 |
NXC3001 |
General Physics |
82/5.0 |
√ |
50 |
32 |
82/5.0 |
NXC3002 |
Linear Algebra |
48/3.0 |
√ |
48 |
48/3.0 |
NXC3005 |
Mathematical Modelling and Computing |
64/4.0 |
√ |
40 |
24 |
64/4.0 |
Total |
1122/66.0 |
Discipline |
Discipline |
NXC4012 |
Mechanical Modelling |
56/3.5 |
√ |
46 |
19 |
56/3.5 |
NXC4008 |
Engineering Design Methods |
56/3.5 |
√ |
40 |
16 |
56/3.5 |
QXU4000 |
MS I Structure and Properties |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU4006 |
MS II Processing and Applications |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU4001 |
Molecules to Materials |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
NXC4010 |
Introduction to Functional Materials |
56/3.5 |
√ |
40 |
16 |
56/3.5 |
QXU4011 |
Introduction to Engineering Materials |
64/4.0 |
√ |
48 |
16 |
24/1.5 |
40/2.5 |
QXU4007 |
Experiments in Materials 1 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU5017 |
Experiments in Materials 2 |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
NXC4022 |
Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU5002 |
Chemistry for Materials |
64/4.0 |
√ |
56 |
8 |
64/4.0 |
QXU5010 |
Surfaces and Interfaces |
56/3.5 |
√ |
48 |
8 |
56/3.5 |
NXC5015 |
Structural Characterisation |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
NXC5026 |
Metals I Deformation and Strengthening |
56/3.5 |
√ |
40 |
16 |
56/3.5 |
QXU5030 |
Composite Materials |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU5032 |
Physical Properties of Polymers |
64/4.0 |
√ |
56 |
8 |
64/4.0 |
NXC5036 |
Metals II Alloy Systems and Heat Treatment |
56/3.5 |
√ |
40 |
16 |
56/3.5 |
QXU6002 |
Materials Selection in Design |
64/4.0 |
√ |
48 |
16 |
64/4.0 |
QXU6007 |
Environmental Properties of Materials |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
QXU6022 |
Ceramics |
64/4.0 |
√ |
56 |
8 |
64/4.0 |
NXC6023 |
Fatigue and Creep Failure |
48/3.0 |
√ |
40 |
8 |
48/3.0 |
NXC6024 |
Fracture Mechanics |
48/3.0 |
√ |
40 |
8 |
48/3.0 |
NXC6025 |
Manufacturing Processes |
64/4.0 |
√ |
54 |
10 |
64/4.0 |
QXU7027 |
Renewable Energy Materials |
56/3.5 |
√ |
56 |
56/3.5 |
Total |
1376/86.0 |
Comprehensive literacy (Elective courses) |
Comprehensive literacy |
U01L11001 |
An Introduction to Aviation |
NPU elective courses are available for students, including comprehensive development courses. Each semester courses can be checked on course-election handbook. |
U02L11001 |
An Introduction to Astronautics |
U03L11001 |
An Introduction to Marine Navigation |
U30L11001 |
An Introduction to Art |
U30L11002 |
Music Appreciation |
U30L11007 |
Drama Appreciation |
U30L11003 |
Art Appreciation |
…… |
…… |
Total |
96/6.0 |
Comprehensive practice |
Comprehensive practice |
QXU6021 |
Material Project |
128/8.0 |
√ |
128/8.0 |
Scientific Research |
16/1.0 |
Participate under the guidance of tutor |
Total |
1648/103.0 |
Total hours / total credits 2738/167.0 |
Reference: Code QX courses are taught by QMUL. Code NX courses are taught by NPU. Code U courses are Chinese Compulsory Courses, Mental Health, Military Theory courses from MoE, as well as some elective courses. |
8. Mode of Teaching
Taking the use of Britain’s high education concept to cultivate innovative bachelor talents for reference, multiple education modes are practiced, such as theory teaching, experiment teaching, case study, comprehensive application and open-experimental instruction, in all courses except for Chinese Compulsory and PE courses. Teaching Oneself-Guidance instruction approach to “teach 1, learn 2, test 3” is applied instead of traditional Transfer-Accept to “teach 3, learn 2, test 1”. Highlighted on fostering student’s ability to study on his/her own, problem solving and hands-on practice, JEI programmes intend to motivate inner impetus, discover interest for knowledge and cultivate student’s lifelong learning as well as working ability.

9. Curriculum Logical Diagram
In accordance with the aim “to develop qualified and innovative talents who can study and work transnationally with the knowledge of natural science, materials science and engineering, and social science. Students graduate with comprehensive qualities, high professional competencies, a global horizon, a life-long study ability, and the recognition to international rules”, major courses are divided into several modules, support and linked with each other, emphasizing on principle specialty, meeting the education standard of professional, composite and entrepreneurial talents.