Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Joint Administrative Committee

Kong Jie

Date:2017-01-06 ClickTimes: Author:

Kong Jie

Position: JAC Member/Director of International Cooperation Office of NPU

Email: kongjie@nwpu.edu.cn

Personal Profile Link: https://teacher.nwpu.edu.cn/kongjie.html

Kong Jie, a recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and a Humboldt Scholar, is supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents at the University and is recognized as a specially appointed professor and leading figure of an innovative team under the Sanqin Scholars programme in Shaanxi Province. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining in the United Kingdom. From 2021 to 2023, he was honoured as a Global Highly Cited Scientist” by Clarivate Analytics. His research primarily focuses on the design and synthesis of hyperbranched polymers, with applications in high-temperature absorbing materials, transparent dielectric materials, ceramic precursors, and energy materials. Leading ten national-level projects, he has authored over 150 papers cited more than 18,000 times, boasting an impressive H-index of over 70. Additionally, he holds more than 30 authorised patents for inventions. His contributions have been recognized with five provincial and ministerial-level awards, including a second-class State Technological Innovation Award and a second-class Shaanxi Provincial Teaching Achievement Award.

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