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Review the Extraordinary Years and Sustain the Revolutionary Legacy

Date:2023-06-05 ClickTimes: Author:

To deeply learn and implement the essence and practical power of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and enhance the patriotism of Party and League members, on May 27, 2023, the First and Second Party Branches with the Integration of Teachers and Students of QMES went to the Xi 'an Office Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army to carry out the thematic Party day activity of "Review the Extraordinary Years and Sustain the Revolutionary Legacy". More than 50 people, including Yuan Menglei, Secretary of the First Party Branch, Party representatives of the two branches, potential Party members and active applicants for Party membership, participated in the activity.

Under the leadership of the teachers, the Branch members arrived at the Xi 'an Office Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army at 10:00 a.m., and then started the learning journey to the heroic days. The hall has a long history. After the peaceful settlement of the Xi’an Incident in December 1936, the Second KMT/CPC Cooperation took shape. The Communist Party of China set up a "Red Army Liaison Office" in Xi’an Qixianzhuang No.1 to facilitate discussions with the Kuomintang on joint anti-Japanese issues. The Red Army Liaison Office has endured the devastation of war, carrying the revolutionary spirit of generations of martyrs, and was declared a national key cultural relic protection unit in 1988.

The Branch members reviewed the place where their ancestors once worked and lived, deeply admired the historical background of the Xi 'an Office Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army, and understood the difficult period yet full of selfless and fighting spirit.

Subsequently, the team followed the docents to further study the historical background of the memorial hall and enhance their understanding of the history of the Communist Party of China as well as the Chinese revolution. The students listened attentively to the explanation and had a better grasp of the important role played by the Eighth Route Army in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, as well as their great sacrifices and contributions to the national liberation and happiness of the masses. Thanks to the exploration of the Shaanxi revolutionary history, the Branch members jointly experienced those arduous years in the revolutionary base area.

After visiting the Red Army Liaison Office, the students entered the film and television exhibition area and watched a documentary in which Mao Zedong, the founder of the People's Republic of China, for the first time showed up with no sound in movies. Although there was no words, Mao's revolutionary faith and selfless spirit of serving the people were exceedingly obvious. At the end of the activity, the members actively participated in the collective discussion and exchanged their feelings and gains during the visit. The students said that through this activity, they knew better the glorious history of the Communist Party of China, appreciated the heroic spirit of the revolutionary forefathers, and also strengthened their believes in communism and socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The successful holding of this activity has played an important role in promoting students' patriotic feelings and Party spirit. In the future, the teachers and students of QMES will continue to deeply study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, constantly improve the ideological and political quality of students, strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, cultivate more young talents with lofty ideals and firm beliefs, and make contributions to the prosperity of the country.

Text: Zhang Mengfei, Liu Yiming

Photo: Hu Xinrui

Translator: Liu Yang

Review: Cheng Yin

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