Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Vice President Wan Xiaopeng Inspected JEI

Date:2017-11-02 ClickTimes: Author:

On October 31st, Vice President Wan Xiaopeng inspected JEI. Dean Kong Jie, Vice Dean Chen Jun and other staff joined the meeting.


Kong Jie made a detailed report on the party construction, teaching affairs, school management and the major tasks of next semester. Chen Jun reported on student affairs and introduced the plan of 2108 recruitment work.

After listening to the report, Vice President Wan Xiaopeng spoke highly of the work and running condition of JEI. He raised several requirements on JEI's further work. He said that JEI did well in pre-construction, publicity, teaching management and students affair with unique characteristics. Staff should work with students and teachers closely and get feedback on their daily study and teaching. Paying attention to quality training, daily study and students' living condition in advance could help them to form a good outlook of life. The last thing was to make plan for next year in advance.


At last, Kong Jie on behalf of JEI expressed that the school would follow these suggestions and requirements to promote the development of NPU and help to build NPU into “Double First-Class University”.

(Reporter: Lei Suyang; Photographer: Li Yuanting; Reviewer: Kong Jie)

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