Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Secretary of the Party Committee Zhang Wei Inspected JEI

Date:2017-11-12 ClickTimes: Author:

On November 10th, Zhang Wei, secretary of the committee of NPU went to inspect JEI.



He first visited office area, students' activity room and the Internet Smart Classroom in Chang'an Campus and then joined a meeting with all of the staff from JEI. Dean Kong Jie made detailed reports on the school's framework construction, Party construction, teaching organization, student affairs, development plan and recent work. Executive Vice Dean Andy Bushby, Vice Deans Fan Xiaoli and Chen Jun added some details according to Kong Jie's report.

After listening to the reports, Zhang Wei spoke highly of the work and achievements that the school has done and gained recently. He said that the JEI did a good job in pre-construction, publicity, teaching management and students affair with strong characteristics. The future plan also met the practical needs of the development of JEI, NPU and the whole country. He rasied several requirements for JEI. The first requirement was to cultivate internationalized talents to a high level according to the 19th National Congress of CPC. The second requirement was to create a leading JRI and overseas research institutes with distinctive features to push innovation development and cultivate high-level innovative talents. The third requirement was to ensure teaching quality to help students fully adapt to the English teaching mode as soon as possible. The last one was that the Party branch of the school should continue to play the role of fighting fort and all Party members should work together to cultivate students.

Zhang Wei also put forward specific requirements for the ideological and political courses of JEI. The school should use original English teaching materials in line with the requirements of Ministry of Education. He encouraged students not only to have lofty ambition, but also to work hard to finish their tasks and to maintain the tradition of modesty. Moreover, they should also react and keep a good relationship with students of other schools.

Kong Jie on behalf of JEI expressed that they would study and implement the requirements and advice advocated by Zhang Wei to put cultivation as the core task, the work of party construction as a fundamental guarantee in order to make NPU into the world-class university and material science as the first-class discipline. Everyone in JEI should remember his/her mission, work together and to promote all the tasks.


(Reporter: Lei Suyang, Du Jiannan; Photographer: Chen Chen; Reviewer: Kong Jie)

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