Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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The Third AC Meeting

Date:2017-11-15 ClickTimes: Author:

The third AC meeting of QMES was held on November 15, 2017. The video meeting was held by Julia Shelton, AC member as well as Vice Dean of School of Engineering and Materials Science of QMUL. It summarized the previous operation status of QMES and discussed key issues related to teaching operation.

The meeting approved of some daily management document of QMES, revised “Management Rules of Textbooks and Reference Books” and discussed examination related document and rules. It was initially agreed by AC to establish Student-Staff Liaison Committee in order to collect reflections and advice from students and teachers in time. The meeting also discussed issues concerning oversea internship during summer vacation and confirmed time of the fourth AC meeting.

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