Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Mid-term Teaching Meeting of QMES

Date:2017-11-30 ClickTimes: Author:

The mid-term teaching meeting of QMES was held at 2 p.m. on November 30, 2017 at the school’s meeting room. The meeting was hosted by Vice Dean Fan Xiaoli. Teachers and relevant staff of Teaching Affairs Office joined the meeting.

Fan Xiaoli discussed with teachers on examination regulations, assessment management, teaching faculty construction and teaching method exploration. It was emphasized during the meeting that classroom teaching should follow a routine of “teaching in class-homework reflection-Q&A”. An effective information reflection channel should be built based onthe communication among teachers, instructors and teaching assistants.In terms of teaching method exploration, Fan Xiaoli said that teachers should teach with guidance and students should learn with initiative. Teachers should also take full advantage of teaching resources provided by both sides to interact efficiently with students on QMPlus system. Teachers discussed a lot on students’ learning status and classroom performance, and offered some good suggestions on improving teaching quality and helping students in learning.

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