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QMES Convened 2017 Leadership Meeting of Democratic Life

Date:2018-01-12 ClickTimes: Author:

In accordance with the Notice on Opening Democratic Life Meetings for Leading Organizations of Secondary Units in 2017, QMES 2017 Meeting of Democratic Life was held on January 12, 2018 in Room 413, East Teaching Building A. Yi Wanjun from Organization Department, leadership of QMES and all members of the school Party branch attended the meeting. This meeting was hosted by Dean Kong Jie.

Before the meeting, the leadership team of QMES studied and implemented the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and profoundly understood the historical status and rich connotation of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. In combination with extensive consultation and in-depth discussion, all members studied and drafted the inspection materials. Members of the team also wrote a syllabus of personal statements and conducted a thorough examination and comparison based on the actual situation of the investigation.

During the meeting, Kong Jie reported on the situation of seeking for opinions this time and checked on behalf of the leading group of QMES. He reported from five aspects -- the study and implementation of the socialism with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress in the new era, the main problems, the analysis of the reasons for the problems, the implementation of the reform of the democratic life meeting in the previous year, the measures for improvement and the direction for future efforts. Then he conducted a personal cross-examination, self-criticism, and accepted the criticism from other participants. Chen Jun, member of the leading group, then conducted a cross-examination, self-criticized and accepted the criticism by other participants. After that, the members of the leading group expressed their sincere support and thanks for the suggestions they have got. All showed that they would further analyze the reasons and actively implement the rectification.

Kong Jie made a statement at the end of the meeting. He said that through this meeting, members of the team carefully analyzed and found problems in their work, accepted the criticism, elaborated plans for rectification and reform, and further strengthened the cohesion of the leadership of the school, all of which would play a positive role in promoting work in the future.

(Reporter/ Du Jiannan;Reviewer/ Kong Jie)

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