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QMES Successfully Held the First “Spring Cup” Debating Competition

Date:2019-03-17 ClickTimes: Author:

In order to enrich cultural life and enhance students’critical thinking. At 7pm on March17th,the finals of the first “Spring Cup” Spring Debating Competition officially opened at lecture hall of QMES, NPU. After two rounds of preliminary and rematch between small classes, two teamsstoodout to the championship hunt---the proposition “Logic is a circle” and the opposition “You are in the right”, and the final debate topic is “Should selfishness in disaster be condemned?”

Senior debaters of the NPU debating team were invited as referees, Hu Zhenghao of 2018 Polymer Material and Engineering major presided the competition. Pro.KongJie, Dean of QMES, Dr.Wangbing,counsellorof 2018 cohort of students and Dr. Luo Zhicong were particularly invited to watch the competition as guests for in-depth guidance.

Firstly, opening debaters of the pros and cons made their points. The pro said that selfishness is self-centered, the cons said that selfishness is putting own profit as first consideration, both sides had original and wonderful understandings on the topic. In the later question link, Li Yichen, anti-side third debater, tactfully grasped the pros’ logic chain of selfishness consequences and gave fierce refutation back, while the second debater of the pros was no to be outdone and used the case of escape in the fire to hit back. And in the most exciting part of the free debate, debaters of both sides showed the best performance and the marvelous witticisms gave audiences deeper understanding.

In the final debate, the pros argued that the essence of selfishness is self-centered in all circumstances, and we should condemn it morally in the absence of current laws. While the cons pointed out that disasters are unpredictable and we can not make the most correct decision when it happens. Condemning this behavior is not conducive to setting the correct values. On the contrary, it will bring huge psychological burden to the parties, and even lead to unjustified condemnation to others.

During the questioning part,Prof.Kong Jie summarized the debates of students from his abundant learning and working experience, combined with recent hot social events. His comments gave students profound enlightenment and encourage them to enrich the depth and breadth of knowledge and further improve their ability to understand and solve problems.Dr.Wang Bing hoped that the students would constantly sum up the experience of activities and promote their all-round development.Dr.Luo Zhicong took philosophy of life as his topic and talked with students about his understanding of the debate.

After the discussion and voting, the judges commented on the performance of bothsides.At last, theconswon the championship, while theproswon the runner-up. Li Yichen, thethird debater of the cons, won the "best debater" in this competition.

The other two teams of the top four, and Zhang Xiuqi, Xing Yang, Zheng Zhi, Ding Deyi and Li Yichen, best debaters in the preliminary and resumption stages, went to the podium together to harvest the joy of growth.

This “Spring Cup”is independently planned and organized by students.It not only improved students' logical thinking ability and language expression ability in practice, helped them to think deeply and interpret hot social issues, but also exercises students' organizational ability and team cooperation ability, helped students better integrate into collective life, absorbed nutrition from the high-quality resources of two universities, and strode forward towards their own targets.

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