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Start for Unlimited Future:Prof. Zheng Zebang, NPU Ao Xiang Overseas Talent, Gave A Lecture on Oversea Study

Date:2019-04-23 ClickTimes: Author:

On 16thApril, 2019, Prof. Zheng Zebang, NPU Ao Xiang Overseas Talent, was invited to give a lecture to the undergraduates in QMES on the experiences of oversea study entitled “Start for Unlimited Future”. Prof. Chen Jun, Vice Dean of QMES was at present. Students from the School of Power and Energy and QMES, as well as representatives of students’ parents attended.

Prof. Zheng Zebang shared his personal experiences in UK from four aspects, namely “Self-introduction, Preparation, Studying Abroad, and Life in London”. He also made a very detailed explanation about 3 Ws & 1 H (What, When, Where, How) to provide further information for students’ major concerns about oversea study including how to choose a destination university, how to figure out research orientation, when to start an application and what are the detailed procedures.

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