Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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QMES Held A Special Conference on Safe Work

Date:2019-03-06 ClickTimes: Author:

On March 4, QMES held a special conference on the safe work in the meeting room. The meeting was chaired by Dean Kong Jie and all the staff of QMES attended.

At the meeting, all members learned the spirit of the National Video Conference on School Safety Work, the important speeches by Minister of Education Chen Baosheng and Deputy Minister of Public Security Sun Lijun, the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Provincial Education Department on campus security work duringNPC and CPPCC. Vice Dean Fan Xiaoli assigned teaching work and asked to improve the safety management system in teaching support. Vice Dean Chen Jun arranged detailed measures and dynamic supervision of student safety work.

According to the instructions of Secretary Zhang Wei and Deputy Secretary Chen Jianyou of the Party Committee of NPU, all staff should strengthen the sense of responsibility, establish a comprehensive response mechanism for safety management in advance and accomplish the safety work duringNPC and CPPCC.


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