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QMES Successfully Held The Reading Experience Sharing Meeting

Date:2020-01-06 ClickTimes: Author:

On December 31, 2019, the reading experience sharing meeting was successfully held by QMES in Seminar Room 406, East Teaching Building A. More than 30 students of Grade 2017, 2018 and 2019 participated in the meeting. Professor Kong Jie, Dean of QMES and Yang Ye, Director of Teaching Affairs Office attended the meeting.

At the meeting, students from different grades with different reading experiences had positive discussions and exchanges on reading behaviors, books and etc. They have also discussed some topics such as: what kind of book is worth reading, what is the most appropriate reading frequency and habit, and how to stimulate interest in reading and maintain enthusiasm.

At the end of the meeting, Kong Jie made a summary and extended new year’s greetings to all the participants. He hoped that the students who attended the meeting could share their experiences with other students and create a good reading atmosphere in QMES. At last, every participant was given a souvenir book “Ping Yu Jin Ren”.

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