Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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QMES Held A Proseminar about Student Affairs

Date:2020-01-14 ClickTimes: Author:

On January 13th, 2020, QMES held a proseminar on student affairs in Chang 'an Campus. Dean, Kong Jie, Assistant Dean, Cheng Yin, Director of General Affairs Office, Wu Ajing, Director of Student Affairs Office, Chen Chen, Director of Teaching Affairs Office, Yang Ye, Counsellor Huang Quanzhang, and Wang Ruixuan of Student Affairs Office attended the meeting.

The office of student affairs first reported on key students’ recent status. Kong Jie suggested that QMES should set up "one-to-one" support groups for key students. Then, according to the requirements of NPU on the management of student safety education in the winter vacation of 2020, the counselors of all grades reported on the safety education to students before and during winter vacation.

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