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Class QM021801 as A “Model Class"

Date:2019-11-13 ClickTimes: Author:

In October 2019, NPU’s Model Class Election Activity in 2018-2019 Academic Year was completed. The 2018 Polymer Class 1 (QM021801) from QMES was awarded "Model Class" and was ranked among the top ten classes in NPU.

"The full-English education and teaching environment is a distinct feature of QMES. As students in QMES, we should fully use the advantages of cooperative education and keep in mind our mission. We would like to make contributions to the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation” said by Cai Zhuochen, the monitor of Class QM021801.

The honor of "model class" is not just a simple title. It contains the hard work and sweat of all class members. It will inspire young students to unite, strive forward and make mare achievements in the future.

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