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Dean Zeng Bing of Glasgow College of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Visited QMES

Date:2019-02-28 ClickTimes: Author:

On the morning of February 28, Dean Zeng Bing and Vice Dean Liu Xingang of Glasgow College of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China came to QMES for investigations. Dean Kong Jie, Vice Deans Fan Xiaoli and Chen Jun met guests in the meeting room and relevant staff of QMES attended the meeting.

Dean Kong Jie extended a warm welcome to Dean Zeng and his colleagues. He briefly introduced the establishment background, framework, Party building and development plan of QMES. Vice Dean Chen Jun gave a comprehensive introduction of QMES from enrollment work, management mode and student work. Vice Dean Fan Xiaoli introduced the operation and characteristics as well as the International Centre for Teaching and Learning.

Dean Zeng Bing introduced the establishment background, majors, faculty, student management and operation of Glasgow College. Subsequently, the two sides conducted detailed and in-depth exchanges and discussions on the development model, teaching and scientific research work, student management and the extension of characteristics of Sino-foreign cooperative education.

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