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Liu Bu, Vice President of Xi’an Technological University, Came to NPU for Investigation

Date:2019-05-23 ClickTimes: Author:

On the morning of May 22, Liu Bu, Vice President of Xi 'an Technological University, came to NPU for investigation and exchanged views on Sino-foreign cooperative education of QMES. Wan Xiaopeng, Vice President of NPU, Liu Xiaogang, Deputy Director of Office of International Cooperation, Kong Jie, Dean of QMES attended the seminar.

Vice President Wan Xiaopeng extended a warm welcome to this visit. He expressed that NPU and XATU had a profound relationship for a long time. He hoped that both sides would continue to make full use of their own advantages and deepen cooperation to constantly promote the development of higher education of Shaanxi. Vice President Liu Bu made a brief introduction to discipline characteristics, development and international exchange of XATU. Through this exchange, he hoped to learn relevant experience and practices so as to further promote cooperation between the two universities in the aspects of international talent training, education and teaching innovation. Participants discussed the application preparation, operation management, enrollment, education mode and training features of Sino-foreign cooperative education.

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