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Work Together to Fight the Epidemic

Date:2020-04-07 ClickTimes: Author:

We’re together

requests to fight the epidemic, letters to comfort our beloved ones, and warm hearts to save the patients, we were deeply moved by the doctors and nurses’ endeavor against the epidemic.Although we can’t fight in the front line, we share the same anticipation. we look forward to the upcoming spring, good news and complete victory over the epidemic. This film is dedicated to the people suffering from the epidemic, from which they can gain faith to conquer the hard times, become optimistic and positive.

The students of QMES actively discussed their practical plans and completed their works respectively. However, they have to work at home during this difficult quarantine. Each one needs to record the singing part and dancing part alone despite the dissatisfactory sound effect. Then we need to edit them together and compose a film. When encountering problems, we tried our best to solve the problems together.By making this film, we not only expressed our anticipation for the victory over the epidemic and our gratitude to the front-line personnel, but also enriched our holiday life and deepened the friendship between us.

Chen Yu Ang editing the video.

Wu Tianci editing the audio.

Ge Yuchong recording the accompaniment.

Stay With You

Recently, the COVID-19 is still spreading in many countries and regions around the world.Virus has no boundaries whereas people share the same future.As members of QMES, we contacted our foreign teachers after hearing the news, worried about their health, and invited them to join our film.We are looking forward to meeting each other soon.

Facing the Epidemic, we would like to say:

When I saw that the front-line personnel kept on fighting, good news came in succession, and the whole country united as one, I realized what the Chinese speed and Chinese strength really are. I believe that the epidemic will definitely end soon and I hope that the whole world can come back to life as early as possible. Go world!

——Wu Tianci

As a student in Wuhan, this is the first time for me and my fellow students to convey our wishes for a better future in this special way.The production of the film is the result of our joint efforts. Although we stayed indoors, we wanted to contribute to the fight against the COVID-19.

——Ge Yuchong

The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 spoiled the happy atmosphere of the Spring Festival 2020. However, it failed to beat the unity of the Chinese nation. With the Chinese Spirit and the Chinese Speed, China is constantly breaking the impossible records.

——Tian Junsong

The outbreak is so fierce that the downtown turned out to be an empty city overnight.We stayed at home self-consciously. Although we can’t make great contribution to our country, we won’t make troubles. The quarantine blocks the spread of the virus, but it cannot stop our loving heart.We hope to convey our constant love and support in such a special way during such a special period.

——Zheng Wanyi

Every one is responsible for the rise and fall of our country!During the epidemic, my family donated equipment to the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals.I also participated in producing the film as a social practice to cheer for Wuhan, as my own contribution to Wuhan, in stead of joining the front line.

——Bao Yijiang

This holiday, I am concerned about the latest information of the epidemic every day.From the daily growth of tens of thousands of cases to zero case currently, hundreds of millions of Chinese people are concerned about the figures.The fact is that the virus can never spread faster than love.Love and hope will last forever! Wuhan, don’t be afraid, we will always be with you.

——Wang Shichao

The film integrated our contribution to the fight against the epidemic. Besides, some students cooperated with companies to donate equipment to the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals; some students helped the community spray disinfectant and went door-to-door to check suspected infections; some students worked at the checkpoints and took temperature for the people passing by; and some students shared the housework, fulfilled their filial duty for their parents during quarantine, and reduced the tension of their family members in the epidemic.With the beginning of online teaching, our communication group has become a learning and discussion group for Q&A.

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