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QMES Fourth Party Branch of Teachers and Students Held the Party Day Activity Titled “Remembering Revolutionary Martyrs, Reflecting on Literary Giants”

Date:2024-04-11 ClickTimes: Author:Zhao Qianyi

To continue the Party legacy and deepen Party history education, on April 7, the QMES Fourth Party Branch of Teachers and Students organized a themed Party Day activity, visiting the Martyrs’ Cemetery and Du Fu Shrine. The event was presided over by Liu Zhenning, the organization monitor of the Fourth Party Branch.


Under the leadership of Liu Jia, the branch secretary, and Liu Zhenning, the organization monitor, all the party branch members sang the national anthem, laid flowers, and observed a moment of silence to honor the great martyrs at the Martyrs’ Cemetery. They deeply commemorated their heroic deeds, expressing sincere condolences and the highest respect.


The group then paid their respects at the martyrs’ tomb area, reviewing the heroic deeds of the martyrs, emphasizing the importance of remembering history, cherishing peace, and honoring the martyrs. Everyone was deeply moved by the martyrs’ spirit of self-sacrifice and unwavering dedication to the revolution.


Next, the group visited Du Fu Shrine to appreciate the literary spirit of the “Poet Sage” Du Fu. With its elegant environment, the shrine displayed numerous poems by Du Fu. Despite the passage of a thousand years, within the shrine, everyone could still feel Du Fu’s lofty patriotic ideals and his deep concern for the nation and its people.

Reflecting on the past: From literary figures to revolutionary martyrs, all dedicated themselves selflessly to the nation’s development. Their sacrifices have ensured the continuous flourishing of Chinese civilization and the ever-evolving prosperity of the country.

Taking up the mission in youth: This event strengthened the Party spirit of the branch members and reinforced their determination to study hard and contribute to the nation’s strength.

Text: Zhao Qianyi

Photo: Li Peiheng

Text & Image: Tang Yinwen

Translator: Zhou Yaru

Review: Cheng Yin

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