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QMES Held Online Psychological Class Meetings with the Theme “Keep On and Move forward Together”

Date:2020-04-13 ClickTimes: Author:

In order to guide students to correctly cope with the epidemic, adhere to self-protection, and enhance their psychological quality and self-adjustment ability. 36 classes of QMES organized online psychological class meetings by psychological committee members of each class,under the guidance of school psychological center, which were actively carried out through Tencent Meeting, Bilibili and other platforms.

The class meeting process of QM021705 was mainly divided into three parts under the organization of Pan Yuting, a psychological member. First of all, the students’ psychological state was investigated in the form of small tests, which showed that everyone’s psychological state was positive and optimistic.Then it is through three rounds of small games to help students to reduce pressure,while playing the game could also make students more aware of the epidemic.Finally, five students shared their full life at home, including playing the piano, studying cooking, practicing funny dubbing, etc., which brought joy to the students.

Liu Tai Yufei said, “We can’t go back to school because of epidemic. The students who haven’t met for nearly three months easily narrow the distance between each other in the way of online interactive games.The interesting talent show of the students relax everyone’s tense and anxious mood and showed their rich and colorful life.”

Lin Wanran said, “This class meeting is divided into game and show, the games make everyone know more about the epidemic, promote the relationship between students, and play a role of mutual enlightenment while having fun.Although we ware only boxed up at home, we would adjust our mentality actively and face the epidemic positively.

Zhang Jiahan said, “Duringthis activity, I feel the warmth of the class family. Everyone is very positive and willing to bring joy to classmates.At the class meeting, we play games together and help each other to release psychological pressure.We all feel that we have a lot of partners to overcome difficulties together.”

Liu Xinyue, a psychological member of class QM021802, first introduced the process, theme and purpose of this class meeting. Then students began to share their recent conditions and what they wanted to do after the epidemic. Finally, the psychological member made a summary and popularized the relevant mental health knowledge to everyone.

Ding Deyi: “After chatting a lot, I find that everyone is very optimistic, used to the way of online learning, and also find their own life interests.I suggest that everyone should carry out appropriate physical exercise and keep a good mental state.”

Chen Yifang: “Through this online class meeting, we encourag each other and actively share our tips in study and life.I wam also affected by everyone, decide to have online classes actively, and look forward to meeting my classmates again.”

Li Peishan: “During the epidemic, everyone should pay attention to their emotional changes.We should keep a positive mental state to meet the challenges while having a healthy body. I hopeed that each of us will have a positive and healthy attitude.”

Chen Haoyu: “The advantage of this online class is that the online cless can encourage some introverted students to ask questions and the teacher answer the questions to the whole class. However, there are also some disadvantages, such as inconvenience of communication and the damage of screen to students’ eyes.”

Wang Luoning: “This psychological class meeting let us know about the students’ holiday life and their living conditions during the epidemic, which relieved everyone’s anxiety. We also feel support and encouragement, and get closer than before.”

Before the class meeting of QM011905, a vote was organized to collect students’ suggestions about class meeting.According to the voting results and popularity, the questions are divided into three categories, among which the most popular question focus on online learning.For example, the teaching platform is decentrallized, check-in and class cannot be synchronized, and there are constantly messages popping up during class, which affects the teaching effect of online class, etc.

Later, the psychological member Liu Xiaorong introduced several effective solutions and shared several personal learning experiences. First,the lack of a good learning environment can be solved by improving the ability of self-control (Video av87954714 from Bilibili). Second, we can improve the ability of self-study by improving communication. Third, we can solve the problem of complicated operation by improving the organization. Last but not least,we can alleviate the problem of low learning efficiency through self-regulation.

During the free discussion, several students expressed their own opinions.

Zhao Jiwei: “In general, this class meeting achieve a complete success and we have learned a lot from the activity.We have a deeper understanding of our own feelings and experience and feel the firm confidence of young people in fighting the epidemic.

Liu Yinuo: “This class meeting introduced some suggestions for us to improve learning efficiency, which benefit me a lot.In the discussion, we put forward our own skills in online learning, and I also encourage them to study together in group.”

Zhang Zhihao: “This psychological class meeting benefit me a lot and also let me reflect on the shortcomings of my learning methods. I will take this opportunity to improve and strive for more efficient methods of online learning.

This psychological class meeting is a great breakthrough in form, reflecting the high concern from school to students’ mental health. It not only enhances students’ awareness of mental health, but also helps students to ease their emotions during the epidemic, playing a positive role in preventing psychological problems, and building a communication platform for QMES student who stays at home and fights against the epidemic.

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