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Our undergraduate students won the national first prize in the 2019 "Guangwei Cup" China Composites Society Students Science and Technology Innovation Competition

Date:2020-10-29 ClickTimes: Author:

On November 29th, the fourth national final of the "Guangwei Cup" China Composites Society Students Science and Technology Innovation Competition concluded in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province. Five undergraduates, He Mukun, Liu Xinyu, Li Yunge, Xiao Zhuorui and Yin Xiangkai from QMES, the Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Sciences, under the joint guidance of Professor Gu Junwei from the Department of Applied Chemistry and Professor Kong Jie, completed the project of "glass fiber cloth/epoxy resin thermal conductive insulation composites". It finally won the national first prize in the independent proposition group.

As a special event of the 4th China International Composites Science and Technology Conference (CCCM-4), the largest and highest level academic communication and technology promotion conference in the field of composite materials in China, the competition has gone through the launch, registration, qualification review, regional preliminary rounds, national semi-finals and final rounds, attracting participants from seven regions in China. 205 teams from more than 50 universities participated in the competition. After the first few rounds of fierce competition, 12 teams were selected to enter the finals of the enterprise proposition group and 12 teams entered the finals of the independent proposition group.

With the support of the University's Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, the competition was organized by five undergraduate students from the "Structural/Functional Polymer Composites (SFPC)" research group of Prof. Gu Junwei from the School of Sciences, after active promotion and careful organization by the Youth League Committee, Teaching Affairs Department, Undergraduate Student Affairs Department and QMES. The team successfully made it to the final 12 of the "Independent proposition" group. The instructors, Prof. Gu Junwei and Prof. Kong Jie, actively assisted the participants in analyzing the competition situation, organizing pre-defense, guiding the defense skills and providing practical experience in the early stage. It is reported that this award is also the 2019 CSTE Outstanding Young Scientist Award for Professor Gu Junwei's SFPC group students, following the "2019 CSTE Outstanding Young Scientist Award" (2016 undergraduate direct PhD student Yang Xutong), the 2018 China's 100 most influential international academic papers (2018 PhD student Guo Yongqiang) and the "National Advanced Polymer Materials Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition" national second prize (2017 class of undergraduates He Mu Kun and other five undergraduates) cut off the fourth international and national scientific research awards.

"Guangwei Cup" China Composites Society Students Science and Technology Innovation Competition is sponsored by China Composites Society, China Chemical Education Association, Weihai Science and Technology Bureau, Weihai Torch Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Weihai Guangwei Composites Co. The competition is co-organized by Harbin Institute of Technology, South China University of Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shandong University, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, and Wuhan University of Technology, and is a national high-performance composites industry competition. The competition is organized by universities and colleges, and can be interdisciplinary, interprofessional and cross-grade. 5 participants must be undergraduate or postgraduate students of the participating universities.

With the theme of "New Materials, New Creativity, New World", the competition aims to promote the quality and synergistic application of new materials, serve the construction of new engineering disciplines and the cultivation of excellent engineers, promote the understanding of high performance composites, stimulate the innovative consciousness of university students, enhance their research and hands-on ability, broaden the horizons of the participating university students, provide strong support to build an innovative national talent ladder in the field of composites, and further promote the healthy and rapid development of China's composites industry.

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