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Online Course Selection Guidance of Autumn Semester in 2020-2021 Academic Year for class of 2024 was Held by QMES

Date:2020-11-16 ClickTimes: Author:

In order to better help theclass of 2024 to plan their studies scientifically and design their plans rationally, the online course selection guidance of Autumn semester of the 2020-2021 academic year for class of 2024 was organized by QMES at 19:00 on September 7thvia Tencent Meeting. Associate Dean Fan Xiaoli and Cheng Yin; Director of Department Gao Pengfei; Teacher Shi Xuetao; Zheng Bo, Teacher of Student Registration Center; Yang Ye, Director of Office of Teaching Affairs; Qi Yue,Head of QMUL’s Teaching of QMES; Liu Kejia, Undergraduate Teaching Secretary; Huang Quanzhang, counselor of class of 2024; and head teachers of class of 2024 participated in this online guidance. The meeting was presided over by Yang Ye.

Associate Dean Fan Xiaoli first introduced the overall situation of two majors in QMES, including training objectives, curriculum system, education programme, etc. Ms. Liu Kejia explained the instructive teaching plan to class of 2024, and explained to them the characteristics of the courses offered by QMES and the requirements of each course module.Zheng Bo, Teacher of Student Registration Center, introduced the course selection process and precautions in detail to help the freshmen make better use of the course selection system. Ms. Qi Yue,Head of QMUL’s Teaching of QMES, briefly introduced the regulations on registration, personal information management and examination management.

In order to help the freshmen get familiar with the course selection process as soon as possible, QMES has established a course selection guidance group, inviting senior students to help new students plan their studies scientifically and design their study plans rationally, so that they can complete their course selection work successfully in the new semester.

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