Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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QMES Held A Psychology Lecture For the 2021 Cohort of Freshmen

Date:2021-10-16 ClickTimes: Author:

In order to help all freshmen realize the importance of mental health and further improve the psychological quality of freshmen, thereby increasing the efficiency of their study and daily life, QMES held an online psychological lecture both at the Room 404 of East Teaching Building B and the Lecture Hall 410 of East Teaching Building A at the noon on October 15.All the QMES2021 cohort of freshmen attended this lecture.

The lecture was delivered by Lu Tianjiao, a teacher of Student Mental Health Center of NPU. Focusing on healthy lifestyle in university, assessment of students’ mental health, analysis of the assessment results, adaptation of adverse conditions and adjustment methods, she guided students to correctly treat their mental health problems and scientifically adapt to their college life. And she also encouraged everyone to embrace their college life with an optimistic attitude so as to spend a fulfilling and meaningful time at QMES.

This psychological lecture ended with warm applause from all members.Through this lecture, all the 2021 cohort of freshmen not only realized the importance of mental health, but also learned some skills of regulating personal stress, which laid a solid foundation for the smooth development of their study and life in the future.

Text: Niu Hexi

Photo: Niu Hexi

Editor: Wu Sijia

Review: Cheng Yin

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