Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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The Leader of NPU Delivered an Ideological and Political Course to QMES Students

Date:2021-12-09 ClickTimes: Author:

On the afternoon of December 8, 2021, Wan Xiaopeng, Deputy Secretary of the NPU Party Committee, gave an ideological and political course with the theme of “Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee” for the Class QM021801.Dai Fuping, Party Secretary of QMES; Kong Jie, Dean of QMES; Cheng Yin, Deputy Party Secretary of QMES; Class Counselors, Head Teachers and all the students of Class QM021801 participated in this course.

Deputy Secretary Wan Xiaopeng firstly led the students to study the major resolutions of this session, and then analyzed and interpreted the current international situation for students. Furthermore, he noted that the students should strengthen their ideals and convictions, keep their concerns for family and country, integrate their personal ideals and pursuits into the cause of the country and the nation, write a song of youth and a wonderful life standing the test of the times. Subsequently, Deputy Secretary Wan Xiaopeng asked about the learning experience and the future academic planning of students, gave enthusiastic replies to students’ questions and appeals, and provided guiding opinions in terms of their further studies abroad and postgraduate entrance examination.

During the lecture, all the students spoke actively.They talked about wonderful stories about themselves and their dreams, put forward several suggestions on the future development of QMES, expressed their gratitude to all the staff of QMES for their careful cultivation, and showed their confidence and courage of facing the future.

Text: Bi Jialong

Photo: Bi Jialong

Editor: Wu Sijia

Review: Dai Fuping

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