Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Leaders of NPU Visited QMES to Inspect Safety Work and Preparations for the New Term

Date:2022-09-03 ClickTimes: Author:

On August 29th, 2022, QMES carried out the safety inspection on the safe use of water and electricity, laboratories, and other facilities of the college building. Certain protection measures were boosted to ensure the safety of all students and teachers.

On August 30th, Wan Xiaopeng, Deputy Secretary of the NPU Party Committee, came to QMES to check on the work safety and preparations for the new semester. Fan Xiaoli, Dean of QMES, Dai Fuping, Secretary of QMES Party Committee, Cheng Yin, Deputy Secretary of QMES Party Committee and Vice Dean of QMES, and other school leaders also participated in this inspection.

Wan Xiaopeng inspected the construction site of the International Community of the college building, teachers’ offices and the laboratories, knew the construction progress and office environment in detail, and put forward some requirements on safety issues.

After the inspection, Wan Xiaopeng had a discussion with the participants, in which he stressed the importance of ensuring the safety of teachers and students during the construction process, discussed plans for the reception of new students in the new semester according to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, and emphasized the significance of prevention and control of risks and elimination of hidden dangers. Finally, Wan Xiaopeng raised his expectations for the sustainable development of QMES, hoping that the college would focus on the cultivation of international talents and make good preparations for the new semester.

Text: Zhao Chunyi

Photo: Ma Huili

Translator: Liu Yang

Review: Dai Fuping

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