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QMES Held a Series of Activities to Celebrate the 20th CPC National Congress

Date:2022-10-15 ClickTimes: Author:

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) carries profound significance in that it is held at a critical moment when the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups are embarking on a new journey toward the second centenary goal of fully building a modern socialist country.In order to drive the young students of theschooltocarefullystudyXi Jinping Thoughton Socialism with ChineseCharacteristicsfor a NewEra,QMES YouthLeague Committee, together withQMESStudent Union, carried out a series of characteristic activitiesin accordance withthe work requirements andworkingpracticeofQMESParty Committee,so asto guide the youth togreetthe 20thCPCNationalCongresswith vigorand vitality.

To set the stage for the 20thCPCNationalCongress, on September 22, 2022, the Youth League Committee and the Student Union of QMES led the students to review the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, and continuously strengthen the ideological understanding.

At the meeting, the students reviewed the special seminar on "Learning the Spirit of Important Speeches Delivered by Xi Jinping and Prepare for the 20th CPC National Congress" for major cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels. General Secretary Xi made a scientific analysis of the current development situation at home and abroad, and elaborated on China's great changes in the past decade, the theoretical and practical issues of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, as well as the major policies and action programs for the development of the Party and the country in the coming period. After the meeting, the students said that standing at a new historical point, young people should take over the task of the times, strengthen the theoretical study, bear the original mission in mind, forge ahead on a new journey and secure success in the new era.

In this summer, the social practice team of QMES went to Guangzhou to review the spirit of Guangzhou Uprising, to Sichuan to learn the spirit of Long March, to Xinjiang to appreciate the qualities of populus and corps, and to Changsha to retrace the footprints of Mao Zedong,the founder of the People's Repulic of China, all of which have exerted a positive influence on students. At the same time, QMES built two social practice bases with Xi 'an Youth Palace and Yingxiu Town, Wenchuan County, which makes full use of resources and contributes to the deep understanding of the spirit of predecessors through regular visits, and promotes the inheritance and spreading of the great spirit of Party construction.

The Youth League Committee and the Student Union of QMES jointly organized a sharing meeting of social practice, aiming to share the valuable experience of field research, expand the influence of good qualities, and broaden students' horizon. Team members expressed that they will shoulder the responsibility, study the Party history in the observation and practice, strengthen their faith, follow the leadership of the Party, combine the theoretical learning with practice, and constantly improve the political awareness, so that they can set the stage for the 20th CPC National Congress with concrete actions.

On September 28, 2002, the Youth League Committee and the Student Union of QMES held a series of educational activities themed "Xi Jinping with Young College Students", which led students to make an in-depth study and discussion on the General Secretary Xi's deliberation on life goals and the development direction of college students.

On October 10, 2022, the Youth League Committee and the Student Union of QMES held a special study session on "China in the Past Decade", reviewing key projects, national instruments and innovative breakthroughs in the new era from different dimensions.

Then, Li Ziqian and Xu Weihang on behalf of all students made speeches. Li Ziqian said that as the cadres of the Youth League Committee, they should promote ideological guidance, always maintain the vitality and righteousness, actively build a platform for young students, and set good examples for their peers. Xu Weihang said that the Communist Party of China has remained committed to the great cause of the Chinese nation, and they students will also create new miracles that will impress the whole world.

on September 29, 2022, the Youth League Committee and the Student Union of QMES held a school-class association meeting and experience sharing meeting of Youth League Committee in Room 410, East Teaching Building A, so as to strengthen the consciousness of work responsibility of class leaders of Grade 2022, accumulate excellent work experience and methods, and improve their work ability.

Shi Zhaoxiaohan briefly introduced the basic situation of QMES Youth League Committee and its achievements. Niu Jingyuan and Yu Xinyue introduced to the students in detail the work content and work standards of the Organization Department Committee and the Publicity Department Committee, and encouraged the students to continuously hone their skills in practice. Finally, Zhou Yijun, the representative of the Student Union, elaborated on the channels to solve problems concerning rights and interests in daily life.

The sharing meeting solved the students' confusion about the work responsibilities of league cadres, provided rich practice experience, fully demonstrated the guidance role of senior students, and specified the development direction of league branches, effectively promoting the organizational progress of our school.

On October 9, 2022, QMES held the ideological and political course conducted by QMES leaders and the symposium of youth representatives with the theme of China and the school's past decade. Dai Fuping, Secretary of QMES Party Committee, delivered special ideological and political courses to all students of Class QM012206 and the backbone students of the Youth League Committee and the Student Union. Student representatives Gao Zike, Li Ziqian and Ye Yaowen shared their learning experience. Huang Quanzhang, Secretary of QMES Youth League Committee, and student representative Zhao Xiaohan, participated in the activity as meeting hosts.

Dai Fuping pointed out the ability cultivation of students from four aspects, namely, political discrimination, learning ability and motivation, innovation and creativity and global competency. He said that the young people live in the best times in Chinese history, and he hoped that students could adapt to college life as soon as possible, study hard and improve their abilities of independent learning and cooperation.

After the conclusion of the ideological and political course, the students all agreed that they should work hard, pursue all-round development, consciously link their personal ideals closely with the future of the country, and prepare for the 20th CPC National Congress.

QMES held a competition for all Party members, probationary Party members and Party member candidates, with the purpose of deeply understanding and implementingXi Jinping Thoughton Socialism with ChineseCharacteristicsfor a NewEra, enhancing the cohesion and resilience of students' primary Party organizations, promoting the Party awareness of teachers, students and Party members, and encouraging them to take practical actions to set the stage for the 20th CPC National Congress. This activity aimed to deeply understand the spirit of Xi's important speech, and look back at the development history of the Party and the country and social changes, stimulating young people's passion toward the Party and the country.

QMES has adhered to the educational concept of nurturing talents for the Party and the country, continuously innovating learning approaches and exploring new platforms of theoretical learning. QMES always attaches great importance to the self-examination of theoretical learning results, and strives to strengthen the grassroots Party branches of students through the publicity of the exemplary Party members.

Text: Linghu Xinrui, Li Ziqian, Wang Yiruo, Ding Zeran, 

Xu Weihang, Yang Yaru, You Qi, Zhang Boxuan

Photo: Ye Mengjian, Shi Zhaoxiaohan, Yang Qi, Wu Zhuozhao

Translator: Liu Yang

Review: Cheng Yin, Huang Quanzhang

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