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QMES Carried out Annual Safety Inspection Work of 2022

Date:2022-12-07 ClickTimes: Author:

December 5, 2022, in order to further implement the “Notice of the Department of Work Safety of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Doing a Good Job in Year-end Safety Work of Subordinate Units and Colleges and Universities” and strengthen the self-inspection of the year-end safety production, Fan Xiaoli, Dean of QMES, Dai Fuping, Secretary of Party Committee of QMES, Cheng Yin, Vice Dean of QMES and all members of the safety production team carried out safety inspection towards the laboratories, offices and public spaces of QMES.

The inspection was carried out strictly in accordance with the safety inspection standards, focusing on the laboratory instruments and equipment, fire safety and specification electricity safety, etc. The laboratory waste, hazardous chemicals, fire and theft prevention safety measures were also investigated carefully, especially the inspections of fire extinguishers, doors and windows, air conditioners, walls, experimental equipment and instruments, etc.

The safety production team conducted an overall inspection of the college. It is found that the safety work of the college has been generally implemented. The sanitation of laboratories and offices were good. The items of the laboratories and offices were placed regularly and their use records were complete. The collection of chemical waste and the electricity consumption were standardized. The maintenance and use of instruments were reasonable. However, there are still some problems. The management of chemical items in the laboratories is not strict. And there are also some problems in fire hydrants and the electromagnetic adsorption of some door locks. The personnel of the safety production team has instructed relevant users and persons in charge to coordinate and solve these problems and strictly implement safety work.

To promote the construction of safe campus and strengthen the security management of laboratories have been the key work of QMES all the time. Through this safety inspection, the security situation of the laboratories and offices of QMES was thoroughly checked, which promoted the improvement of security situation of laboratories and offices and implemented the security responsibilities of QMES at all levels, enhanced safety awareness and guaranteed the personal safety and property safety of teachers and students of QMES.

Text: Bi Jialong

Picture: Ma Huili

Editor: Wu Sijia

Review: Fan Xiaoli

Translator: Li Qianqian

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