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The Launching Ceremony of the Large Classroom of Ideological and Political Education—The Meeting of the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of CPC Was Successfully Held

Date:2022-11-17 ClickTimes: Author:

On November 16, 2022, the launching ceremony of the large classroom of ideological and political education and the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Spirit Meeting was held in the northeast corridor on the first floor of East Teaching Building A, Chang’an Campus.

Zhan Hao, Member of the Party Standing Committee of NPU and Vice President of NPU, Fan Xiaoli, Dean of QMES, Dai Fuping, Secretary of the Party Committee of QMES, Kong Jie, Dean of the School of Foreign Studies, Wang Gaozu, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Foreign Studies, Peng Rong, Deputy Director of the Student Work Department of the Party Committee, Cheng Yin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of QMES, and representatives of teachers and students attended the event. The launching ceremony was presided over by Wang Gaozu.

Dai Fuping first introduced main content of the “Large Classroom of Ideological and Political Education”.

On behalf of NPU, Zhan Hao lit up the sign of “Large Classroom of Ideological and Political Education” and extended his warm congratulations and full affirmation for the construction of “Large Classroom of Ideological and Political Education”.

After the launching ceremony, six young lecturers from the Youth Publicity Group, including Yang Ruiqi, Dai Yinuo, Qiu Maosheng, Gan Su, Zhang Jiaxin, and Wang Tianyi, gave a lecture on the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with the theme of “implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of CPC and striving to be a good youth with global competency”. Wang Tianxin, a student representative of QMES also made a speech.

Text: Yang Liu, Tong Miaomiao

Picture: Luo Kangning

Review: Dai Fuping

Translator: Li Qianqian

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