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QMES Held the Tree Planting Ceremony for the Graduates of the Class of 2023

Date:2023-03-14 ClickTimes: Author:

“Gratitude for the source of benefit, never forget where happiness comes from”. Four years went by, no matter where they are in the future, the alma mater will always be the spiritual home of students, and the guide and witness on the growth path of students.

On March 12th, 2023, on the occasion of the 45th Chinese Arbor Day, the students of Class QM029102 of QMES participated in tree planting activity with deep attachment to the alma mater. They planted a cherry blossom tree to engrave their youth memories. Dai Fuping, Secretary of the Party Committee of QMES, Cheng Yin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of QMES, Zhou Wei, Vice Director of the Property Service Center of Logistics Industry Group, Liu Jia, Counselor of the class of 2019, and Chen Juan, Class Advisor of the class of 2019 attended the activity. The activity was hosted by Cheng Yin.

At the beginning of the activity, Cheng Yin emphasized the importance attached by QMES to the tree-planting activity and affirmed students’ active participation in the activity. She pointed out that the activity is not only of great significance to the improvement of the ecological environment, but also symbolizes the connection between students and the alma mater, as well as the inheritance of school spirit.

Later, teachers and students worked together to plant a cherry blossom tree behind the building of QMES and put up a nameplate for the small tree. The inscriptions on the nameplate mean Chang’an City is full of vitality in spring. As a young person in the new era, the graduates of QMES will start from a new starting point. They will never live up to the beautiful scenery of spring, live up to the youthful years, the entrustment of the times and the expectations of the motherland.

Next, the graduate representative Chen Yuruo made a speech. Focusing on the key words “existence” and “inheritance”, she expressed her concern, gratitude, and blessings towards the alma mater as she faces the upcoming graduation. She hopes that these trees will witness the development and growth of QMES and NPU. She also said that they would continue to work hard to write the new chapters of their life by staying committed to the school motto of “Loyalty, Integrity, Courage and Perseverance” and the spirit of “Strong Preparation, Diligent Effort, Practical Attitude, and Creative Innovation” of NPU and making full use of the professional knowledge they have gained and their international perspective.

Finally, Dai Fuping expressed his wishes towards the graduates. He first explained the origin of Chinese Arbor Day - commemorating the achievements of Mr. Sun Yat-sen in advocating tree planting. Protecting forests and planting trees can help to protect the ecosystem. At the same time, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, which is of great significance to the construction of ecological civilization in China. Dai Fuping quoted an alumnus,“If I were a tree, NPU would be a forest”, which reaffirms the significance of this tree-planting activity. He also expressed his ardent expectations for students, hoping that students will continue to work hard in all walks of life after graduation, carry forward the feelings of home and country of science and technology to serve the country, and continue to write a new chapter of NPU.

After taking the group photo, teachers and students visited the ideological and political course classroom of QMES and relived the history of NPU and QMES. Students stood in front of the alumni wall and sowed seeds of hope in their hearts. Hope they will grow like a sapling, hope they will make a success as soon as possible, and hope they can make fruitful achievements early!

Text: Ye Qianhao, Liu Jia

Picture: Zhang Jihao

Editor: Wu Sijia

Review: Cheng Yin

Translator: Li Qianqian

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