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Series of Lectures on World’s Famous Universities with Major of Materials Science and Engineering—Keynote Report of UCL Was Successfully Held

Date:2023-04-28 ClickTimes: Author:

In order to enhance students’ international vision and provide a face-to-face communication platform for students with professors from famous universities, on April 13, 2023, Series of Lectures on World’s Famous Universities with Major of Materials Science and Engineering—Keynote Report of UCL (University College London) was held in the lecture hall on the second floor of East Teaching Building A, Chang’an Campus. The keynote speaker is Lan Yang, Assistant Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering of UCL.

At the report, he introduced the application of natural and artificial colloidal solutions in daily life to students, including mist, hair gel, paint, milk, hand cream, and jelly, etc. These solutions are widely used in the medical field. However, the stability of colloidal solutions under certain conditions limits their applicability. Professor Lan Yang shared the important progress made by his research team in designing Derjaguin Landau Verwey Overbeek (DLVO) model and synthesizing colloidal materials with super strong stability, which provides insights for related research and applications.

At the same time, Professor Lan Yang introduced UCL, a university with a history of 200 years and ranks eighth in QS World University Rankings in 2023. He led students into this world-famous university to enjoy the scenery of the campus through vivid graphic and text materials. Professor Lan Yang further introduced the discipline setting, education system of UCL and research background of the School of Chemical Engineering. He also introduced the new project of the School of Chemical Engineering “MSc Nature-Inspired Solutions programme”, including scientific research background, curriculum setting, graduate admission policy, application time, enrollment number and other related information. He encouraged students to actively go to the world’s famous universities, strive to improve themselves and become international talents.

After the report, students actively interacted with Dr. Lan Yang. They consulted him on academic research, application planning of studying abroad and UCL master’s program. The report ended with warm applause from students.

The report not only expands students’ professional knowledge, but also makes them have a deeper understanding of the planning of studying abroad in famous universities. QMES will continue to carry out “Series of Lectures on World’s Famous Universities with Major of Materials Science and Engineering” around different themes, build a face-to-face communication platform for students with world-famous universities, and strive to cultivate compound talents with global competence.

Text: Bi Jialong

Picture: Zeng Xiaoxi

Editor: Tang Yinwen

Review: Cheng Yin

Translator: Li Qianqian

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