Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Youth League Committee

QMES Successfully Held the May Fourth Appraisal and Defense Meeting of the Year 2022

Date:2022-03-19 ClickTimes: Author:

In the past year, the vast number of youth league members, cadres of the Communist Youth League, and members of Youth League Committee and Student Union of QMES took the initiative to take responsibility and actively promoted the healthy development of the work of the Communist Youth League of QMES.A large number of outstanding students and advanced collectives with firm ideals and beliefs have emerged, showing the good spirit of young college students in the new era.

According to the requirements of theNotice on the Commendation of theMay Fourth Movement of the Communist Youth League in 2022of the Youth League Committee of NPU, combined with the actual work of QMES, and after personal declaration and democratic evaluation, the list of candidates for the May Fourth appraisal in 2022 was finally determined.

On the afternoon of March 17, 2022, QMES held the May Fourth appraisal and defense meeting of the year 2022 of the Communist Youth League.According to the current requirements of epidemic prevention and control, this meeting was held online.Dai Fuping, Party Secretary of QMES; Cheng Yin, Deputy Party Secretary of QMES; Huang Quanzhang, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of QMES; and counselors of all grades attended this meeting and served as defense judges.A total of 6 advanced league branch candidates and 8 advanced individual candidates participated in the defense, which was presided over by Shi Zhao Xiaohan, League Branch Secretary of the Class in grade 2021.

Firstly, Huang Quanzhang, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of QMES, briefly introduced the development of the main work of the Youth League Committee of QMES in the past year, and explained in detail the process, precautions and relevant requirements of this defense.

Qiu Quanrun, a student of grade 2019, first defended the “May Fourth Red Flag Model”.He summarized the achievements of this academic year and expressed his personal thoughts on growth and talent from the related work, volunteer service, innovation and entrepreneurship, and personal development of the Youth League Committee of QMES, fully demonstrating the spiritual outlook of outstanding young people in the new era.

Subsequently, the league branch secretaries of six classes, including QM021801, QM021804, QM021903, QM021904, QM012004, and QM022006, successively defended the advanced league branch.They reported on the ideological construction, the Party and League construction, the role of contact and service, the implementation of the work of QMES, and the characteristic activities of their youth league branches, showing the achievements of their branches in ideological and political construction, organizational life, study and work, social service, and innovation and entrepreneurship in the past year.

Next, Li Liangchen, Wang Xinjie and Bai Xue defended the “Top Ten League Branch Secretaries”; while Gao Zike, Wu Fangzhou, Qu Yifan and Li Ziqian defended the “Outstanding Cadres of the Communist Youth League”.Focused on their own political stance, ideological awareness, working ability, responsibility and accountability, and life style, they made detailed expositions and put forward clear plans and prospects for their personal development in the future.

Finally, Dai Fuping, Party Secretary of QMES, made a concluding speech on the appraisal and defense meeting, and fully affirmed the positive spirit of these league branches and students participating in the evaluation. He was deeply moved by the spirit of dedication of the students. He said that the growth and development of the youth was inseparable from the collective, and only in the collective dedication could individuals achieve their greatest value. Secretary Dai pointed out that in the past year, under the guidance of the Party Committee of QMES and with the joint efforts of all departments and all students of QMES, the work of the Communist Youth League of QMES has made significant progress, the construction of league branches has been improved day by day, and the work of the Party and League has achieved remarkable results, making the college show a vigorous scene.Finally, Secretary Dai put forward ardent expectations for the future development of the students. He hoped that everyone would continue to contribute actively, study and work hard for the development of QMES and their own growth, strive to be newcomers of the times, and make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Text: Shi Zhao Xiaohan and Gao Zike

Photo: Shi Zhao Xiaohan and Wen Jiyuan

Edit: Wu Sijia

Review: Cheng Yin

Translator: Liu Kaixuan

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