Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Collaboration Network

QMES Attended the Sixth Session of Deans’ Association of Chinese-Foreign Cooperation

Date:2018-12-18 ClickTimes: Author:

On December 14, 2018, the sixth session of Deans’ Association of Chinese-Foreign Cooperation (DACC) was successfully held in Guangzhou. Dean Kong Jie was invited to attend the meeting. The theme of this conference is "Chinese-foreign cooperative education and discipline construction".Participants explored the innovative way of Sino-foreign cooperative education under the background of "Double First-Class". The leaders of the International Cooperation and Exchange Department of the Ministry of Education came to give guidance. More than 120 representatives from 70 Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools across the country attended the meeting.

At the invitation of the Secretariat of DACC, Dean Kong Jie presided over the sub-forum “Teacher Team Construction” and made a report entitled “Building a High Quality International Teacher Team and Improving the Teaching Quality Assurance System for Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Organizations”. At the forum, the participants exchanged opinions in-depth on qualifications of Chinese and foreign teachers, the form of teaching, and the promotion of the construction of institutional faculty to the " Double First-Class" construction of universities, and reached several consensus.

DACC was established in August 2014. It played an important leading role in the standardized, health, orderly and sustainable development of Chinese-Foreign cooperative education, and received wide attention and positive response from society. Chinese-Foreign cooperative education has a good reputation for running a school. This year, on the occasion of the four-year establishment of DACC, the Secretariat organized and completed the selection of the second chairman unit, and QMES was selected as a member of the second chairman unit. The new chairman unit includesSino-Danish College, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University, Institut franco-chinois de l'Université de Renmin de Chine(French), China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy at Huazhong University of Science & Technology, DUT-RU International School of Information Science &Engineering at DUT, Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU, Jinan University–University of Birmingham Joint Institute, Sino-British College-University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, SWJTU-Leeds Joint School, Sino-European Institute of Aviation Engineering, Institut Sino-Européen d'Ingénierie de l'Aviation.

The Beijing Evening News conducted a follow-up report on this meeting.

Reporter/ Du Jiannan;Photo/ Liang Qiusha;Reviewer/ Kong Jie

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