Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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QMES Held Final Exam Mobilization Meeting for the Autumn Semester of 2023-2024 Academic Year

Date:2024-01-08 ClickTimes: Author:

To implement the NPU’s requirements for strengthening the examination atmosphere and discipline, and ensuring the orderly conduct of final exams, QMES held a mobilization meeting for the final exams on December 25, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. in Classroom D100, West Teaching Building, Chang’an Campus. The meeting was chaired by Yang Ye, Director of the Teaching Affairs Office of QMES. Attendees included Dai Fuping, Secretary of the QMES Party Committee and Vice Dean, Huang Quanzhang, Director of the Student Affairs Office, Liu Kejia, Undergraduate Teaching Secretary, Ding Jing and Jing Tingting, Academic Coordinator for the first and second-year students, and Ma Xiaoxuan, Student Affairs Coordinator, as well as the class teachers for the first-year students. The meeting was held both online and offline with the attendance of students from the 2022 and 2023 cohorts in person, while students from other years participated online.


The meeting commenced with a detailed presentation by Liu Kejia on QMES examination management regulations. She emphasized the identification and corresponding consequences for exam misconduct and cheating. Furthermore, she underscored and clarified the responsibilities and requirements for invigilators, along with the guidelines to be followed during the invigilation period. She urged students to strictly adhere to the examination regulations set by the Academic Affairs Department and eliminate any form of cheating.


Following that, Yang Ye provided an overview of the requirements for QMUL curriculum examinations. She specifically highlighted the protocols for handling cheating incidents and the evaluation process conducted by the external examination board in QMUL. Emphasizing the importance of exam integrity, she encouraged students to approach their exams with honesty and wished them all the best in achieving excellent results.


Next, Ding Jing and Jing Tingting, Academic Coordinator for the first and second-year students, respectively provided an introduction to the key end-of-term teaching tasks. They emphasized ways of solving problems during critical periods such as course selection and suggested ways to enhance communication skills and abilities to efficiently resolve any issues that may arise during the learning process. Students were advised to pay close attention to the recommended methods and techniques.

Finally, Dai Fuping made a pre-exam mobilization, encouraging students to study hard and take the exams seriously. He urged students to eliminate distractions during the final exam period and focus on their studies. He also emphasized the importance of utilizing the teacher-student communication platform and actively contacting the teachers of QMES. Towards the end of the mobilization, Dai Fuping suggested that as the winter holiday approached, he hoped students would make good use of their time and proactively plan their academic and personal lives, making the winter break more meaningful.


QMES has always regarded exam conduct as a significant driving force in fostering academic integrity. The purpose of this exam mobilization conference is to further strengthen educational management, making exam discipline education a systematized and normalized practice. Through this pre-exam mobilization meeting, students have gained a clear understanding of the importance of exam regulations and the expectations set by QMES. This will help create a fair, impartial, and strictly disciplined learning environment, laying a solid foundation for promoting academic integrity and exam conduct at QMES.

Text: Zhang Jiayu

Photo: Zhang Jiayu

Edit: Tang Yinwen

Translate: Shen Xinyi

Review: Fan Xiaoli

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