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The First Party Branch of Teachers and Students of QMES Conducted Safety Education Thematic Party Day Activity

Date:2023-06-16 ClickTimes: Author:

On June 13, 2023, the faculty members and student activists of the First Party Branch of teachers and students of QMES went to the Safety Education Hall to carry out a safety education thematic Party day activity, so as to strengthen students’ safety awareness, improve students’ safety literacy and emergency response ability. Teachers and students learned about the safety problems and countermeasures in daily life through scenario simulation, practical training, and emergency knowledge popularization in the activity.

At 2 p.m., students arrived at the Safety Education Hall on time and visited it under the guidance of the venue staff. Students learned safety knowledge from six aspects, including natural disasters, campus safety, information safety, fire safety, sanitary safety, and traffic safety. In terms of natural disasters, the staff mainly introduced the causes of earthquakes, as well as some precautions and self-rescue measures after the earthquake, and let students experience the earthquake through scenario simulation. In the matter of campus safety, students mainly learned about dormitory electricity safety and experimental operation safety, as well as how to prevent accidents. In the information security section, the staff introduced personal information security and national information security, reminding everyone to deal with fraud calmly and quickly report to the police. With regard to fire safety, students learned about the methods of quick rope knots, the use of fire fighting facilities, and experienced fire rescue measures, including slow descent from high altitude, etc. Regarding the sanitary safety, students mainly learned about drug identification, disease prevention and some commonly used first-aid measures to help them properly deal with some emergencies in daily life. In terms of traffic safety, the staff mainly explained drone airspace safety, car safety, etc., and led students to learn about the dangers of drunk driving.

Through this activity, students have mastered the response methods of various emergencies. All branches of QMES will continue to carry out relevant safety education thematic Party courses in the future to improve students’ safety vigilance and continue to make teachers and students establish a strong awareness of safety red lines.

Text: Li Ruochen, Xiong Yi

Picture: Liu Yiming

Graphic editor: Tang Yinwen

Responsible editor: Ma Zhiheng

Review: Cheng Yin

Translator: Li Qianqian

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