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QMES Carried out the Safety Inspection Work of 2023 Summer Semester

Date:2023-06-21 ClickTimes: Author:

On July 14, 2023, in order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the “Notice on the Issuance of the Implementation Plan for the Special Investigation and Rectification of Major Hidden Hazards in Campus Safety Production of Shaanxi Province in 2023” and the “Notice on Further Strengthening Holiday and Summer Safety Prevention Work in the Education System of the Whole Province” issued by the Education Working Committee Office of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, Fan Xiaoli, Dean of QMES; Cheng Yin, Deputy Secretary of the QMES Party Committee; and all the members of the Safety Production Team conducted safety inspection in the school’s laboratories, offices, and public space.


This inspection strictly followed the safety inspection standards, such as “Criteria for Deciding the Hidden Hazards of Campus’ Major Accidents”. It focused on conducting comprehensive examination on the use of laboratory equipment, fire safety, and electricity safety. Attention was also given to detail-oriented issues, examining all the fire extinguishers, doors and windows, air conditioning, walls, and laboratory equipment.

Through this overall self-inspection, the school’s safety work was generally implemented. Most laboratories and offices had good sanitary conditions, orderly placement of items, clean work surfaces, complete records of equipment usage, and proper collection of chemical waste. They were also in compliance with the regulations on electricity, and equipment was well maintained and used by students as well. However, there were still a few problems, such as inadequate posting of instructions and safety regulations for some laboratory equipment, which were assigned to the relevant responsible individuals for rectification by the Safety Production Team and would be rectified soon.


Promoting the construction of a safe campus and strengthening safety management of laboratories have been the key work of QMES’ for a long time. Through this inspection, an assessment of the safety operation of the school’s laboratories and offices was conducted to identify the shortcomings and as a driving force for improvement, which helps us to further specify the safety responsibilities at all levels, kept in mind the worst scenarios, enhance red-line awareness of safety production, so as to ensure the personal safety and property security of our faculties and students.

Text: Bi Jialong

Photo: Bi Jialong

Translator: Zhou Yaru

Review: Cheng Yin

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