Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Teachers of Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU visited QMUL and Joined Overseas Seminar of QMUL-NPU International Center for Teaching and Learning

Date:2018-09-11 ClickTimes: Author:

From 15th to 29th July, 10 teachers of Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU from School of Aeronautics, School of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture, School of Natural and Applied Sciences and other schools, visited Queen Mary University of London Engineering School(QMUL) in the UK. They also participated in training classes for Teaching Certificate for British Higher Education and seminars of NPU International Center for Teaching and Learning.

Founded in 1887, Queen Mary University of London Engineering School is one of the Russell Group, the British Ivy League. As a research-intensive university,it boasts cutting-edge scientific research and enjoys great reputation in both science and engineering. With the approval of Ministry of Education, Northwestern Polytechnical University and Queen Mary University of London co-founded a Sino-foreign cooperatively-run school, Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU. This school focuses on cultivating high-quality and internationalized talents in the terms of Materials Science and Engineering, Polymer Materials and Engineering. The first undergraduate students, with the number of 249, have entered this school in August 2017.This visit is the third teaching training in QMUL.

Teachers from both sides together took part in training activities. QMUL showed their international advanced teaching theory through different ways: seminars, group discussions, site visits and course exercises. They introduced student-oriented teaching mode and task-oriented classes;they emphasized the importance of students’ characteristics, team collaboration and the sense of class participation in teaching and learning. All of these have dramatically inspired NPU teachersto explore new ways of class designing, teaching method and testing method with international perspectives. The training lasted for one week. All teachers havea closer understanding of the international teaching theory of QMUL.

For the next week,teachers participated in seminars of the International Center for Teaching and Learning and got to know QMUL’s schooling facilities, cultural differences and teaching resources. The seminars covered all the aspects such as teaching techniques, teaching methods and cultural diversity. Carole Davis, the director of the Education Development Center of QMUL delivered several speeches concerning British higher educational teaching certificates. Associate Professor Gabriel Cavalli gavea teaching report on students-oriented methodology. Besides, teachers discussed courses designand teaching methods, and analyzed the connection among different courses. The International Center for Teaching and Learning devotes itself to improving QMES teaching level, strengthening teachers’ teaching ability and promoting the international teaching innovation.

During the visit, Professor Colin Bailey, the President of Queen Mary University of London, and Professor Wen Wang, the Vice president, met NPU teacher delegation. Vice President Wen Wang expressed his appreciation tothe support and efforts made by NPU colleagues during 2018 recruitment. He looked forward to further cooperation in science and research, teaching and international communication between the two universities.

On the afternoon on 27th July,teachers from NPU were invited to join the graduation ceremony of the School of Engineering and Material Scienceof QMUL. Professor Xiaoli Fan, Professor Wenya Li, Associate Professor Juan Zhang,Associate Professor Bin Zhao, Associate Professors Wenfeng Luo and Xiaomin Cui were all in blue guest gowns, sitting on the podium and experienced the British grand ceremony.

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