Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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QMES Staff Greeted Freshmen on Military Training

Date:2018-09-14 ClickTimes: Author:

On Sep. 7th, staff of QMES visited the 2018 cohort of freshmen who were on intense military training and bring their care and love from the school.

Commissioned by Kong Jie, Dean of QMES, Chen Jun, Vice Dean firstly went to the military training command to learn about the overall situation of the students’ military training and extended his heartfelt gratitude to all the military instructors and other staff who were responsible for the military training of the 2018 cohort of students of QMES. Then, together with the military instructors, Chen Jun went to the training ground to further communicate with the freshmen and expressed his greetings and care for the students. He spoke highly of the student’s perseverance shown in the military training and encouraged them to enhance their sense of discipline and teamwork, and take care of their physical health by receiving reasonable amount of military training.

All of the students promised to try their best to meet the expectation and accomplish all the tasks with great efforts.

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