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Guo Shuhong, deputy dean of DUT-BSU Joint Institute, Dalian University of Technology, went to Queen Mary University Engineering School to exchange research

Date:2018-09-30 ClickTimes: Author:

On the morning of September 7, Dr. Guo Shuhong, Associate Dean of the DUT-BSU Joint Institute, Dalian University of Technology, and Chen Guiyan, Deputy Director of the Finance Department and four other members of the group, went to QMES to investigate and survey. The dean of the QMES, Kong Jie, the associate dean Fan Xiaoli and Chen Jun met with the guests in the conference room. The staff of the general office attended the discussion.

Kong Jie first extended a warm welcome to all the guests and introduced the background and specialty set-up of the QMES. Fan Xiaoli made detailed supplements on the school's training program, school model, teaching organization and teacher system. Chen Jun explained the party construction, talent training, and student management of the school. Subsequently, Guo Shuhong, associate dean, introduced the background and operation of DUT-BSU Joint Institute as well as its specialty set-up, main research directions, student management and cultivation. Chen Guiyan, Deputy Director of the Finance Department of Dalian University of Technology, introduced the school's financial support and financial status to DUT-BSU Joint Institute.

Kong Jie pointed out that it is hoped that both sides can use their superior resources to research in-depth about the feasible plans of deepening cooperation, strengthen the cooperation and exchange between Chinese and foreign cooperative schools in terms of teacher exchanges, academic research and student joint training, so as to achieve a high level of win-win cooperation and to promote the connotative development of higher education.

Guo Shuhong said that the Queen Mary Engineering School’s successful exploration in party construction, teaching operation, enrollment and student management, etc., provided a reference for the future development of DUT-BSU Joint Institute.DUT-BSU Joint Institute fully agrees to strengthen the deepening cooperation between Chinese-foreign cooperative education institutions, and is willing to further the discussion with Queen Mary Engineering School on academic and teacher cooperation, as well as the joint training.

After the meeting, accompanied by Chen Jun and the staff of the school, Guo Shuhong and her colleagues visited the Queen Mary Engineering School's Innovation Lab, Student Home, One-stop Office and Internet Smart Classroom.

It is reported that the DUT-BSU Joint Institute is a major initiative of Dalian University of Technology in cooperation with the Ministry of Education to promote the “The Belt and Road ” education initiative, comprehensively optimize the discipline structure, enhance the level of internationalization, and build a “double first-class”. It is the first international cooperative education institution established at the undergraduate level under the joint approval of Chinese and belorussian Ministry. DUT-BSU Joint Institute is located in the main campus of Dalian University of Technology. It is a secondary school in Dalian University of Technology and was officially established on March 29, 2017 by the Ministry of Education.

(Reporter/Wang Yuxuan Photo/Li Yuanting Audit/Kong Jie)

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