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QMES Delegation Attended Student International Forum Held by SCUPI

Date:2018-04-19 ClickTimes: Author:

From 14thto 15th, April 2018, the Student International Forum which was organized by Sichuan University-Pittsburgh Institute (SCUPI) was held on Jiang’an Campus, Sichuan University. Led by counsellor Ji Xiao, 7 student representatives of QMES were invited to attend the forum.

As the only freshman delegation, QMES students ingeniously demonstrated their thinking, learning, and understanding under the Sino-foreign cooperative education environment in the form of scenario dramas. They vividly demonstrated their personal experience and urgent needs of study at QMES.

The forum provided an opportunity for students from Chinese-Foreign Collaborative Institutions to exchange ideas and strengthen their understanding of various joint institutes. Through the forum, students widened their horizons, made new friends, gained new experience, and learned from each other.

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