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Japan Osaka University Day Was Held Successfully in NPU

Date:2019-12-16 ClickTimes: Author:

On December 16, 2019, the third Ao’xiang famous school day – Japan Osaka University Day was held successfully in Chang’an Campus of NPU. The event was hosted by the Office of International Cooperation and undertaken by QMES.

On the morning of 16th, Prof. Yuki Kouchi, Director of East Asia Academic Research Center of Osaka University, and Zhang Xixi, Researcher of International Exchange Promotion Center and East Asia Academic Research Center of Osaka University, carried out consultation activities for studying abroad policies of Osaka University at the Ao’xiang Student Center. They helped students to have a clearer understanding of studying in Japan.

On the afternoon, the delegation from Osaka University visited QMES. Kong Jie, Dean of QMES, and Duan Libing, Deputy Director of Office of International Cooperation, attended the meeting. Both sides conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the topics of talent training, long-term and short-term exchanges of students, scientific research cooperation, etc.

On the 17th, Study Abroad Conference of Osaka University and Xi’an Higher Education Exchange Conference were successfully held. With the theme of “Studying in Osaka”, Zhang Xixi explained Osaka University’s relevant majors, study abroad programs and study abroad policies to the teachers and students attending the conference.

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