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QMES Held an Online Lecture on "Experience of Studying in World Famous Universities"

Date:2020-04-21 ClickTimes: Author:

On April 16th, in order to encourage students to bravely realize their dreams, QMES invited Dr. Li Yiyang from Oxford University to give a lecture on "Experience of Studying in World Famous Universities" through "Tencent Meeting". Dr. Li Yiyang shared his experience on study and life at Oxford University to guide QMES students to improve their scientific research capability and academic competitiveness, so as to better plan their further education programs abroad. He also helped students to design their future career life. A total number of 62 students from all grades of QMES attended the lecture.

Dr. Li graduated from Fudan University with a bachelor degree in chemistry. During this period, he went to the University of California, Berkeley to conduct academic research. After graduation, he pursued his PhD degree in inorganic chemistry at Oxford University. In 2018, he entered the Department of Physics for exchange study. Firstly, Dr. Li introduced the profound cultural heritage and outstanding academic prestige of Oxford University. He said that doctors in British universities were quite independent in learning. Under the guidance of tutors, students conducted in-depth research and analysis. When encountering problems, they would discuss them with their tutors. This model requires the students of solid academic foundation and independent learning ability. Dr. Li inspired students to actively participate in overseas practice, such as the summer and winter school, understand the academic atmosphere and cultural differences of universities in different nations, choose your own appropriate study destination. Famous universities in the UK attached great importance to students' learning ability during their undergraduate study. IELTS score was a basic requirement to apply for prestigious universities. The outstanding GPA score could make you stand out from the other applicants. Dr. Li suggested that students scientifically plan their future study and lay a solid foundation for career development after graduation. At the end of the lecture, Dr. Li urged the students to work hard, seize the opportunity and strive to apply for their dream universities and majors in the future.

In the Q&A section, the students raised their own questions on choosing majors, foreign language tests, GPA scores, scholarship applications and etc. Dr. Li patiently answered the questions and shared his WeChat account to continue the communication with the students afterwards.

The lecture not only increased students’ understanding towards Oxford University, but also offered them more effective learning methods. It also broadened their horizons and provided valuable information for students interested in overseas study programs.

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