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Exemplifying Role Models, Honoring Youthful Excellence | QMES 2024 “May Fourth Excellence Awards” Showcase

Date:2024-08-05 ClickTimes: Author:


General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasised in the report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist of Party of China: “Young people should steadfastly follow the Party and its guidance, aim high but stay grounded, and dare to think big and take action but make sure you can deliver. Youth should strive to be the new era's great young generation, a generation with ideals, a sense of responsibility, grit, and dedication. As young people endeavour to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects, their youth and vitality will bloom in full splendour.” Over the past year, under the leadership of the QMES Party Committee and the Youth League Committee of NPU, the Youth League Committee of QMES has guided the Student Union, various youth league branches, and numerous young members to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. With vigorous efforts and steadfast determination, they achieved outstanding results in the 2024 “May Fourth” commendations of NPU. The awards received by both the collective of QMES and individuals are as follows:

Collective awards:

The May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Branch

The Youth League Branch of Materials Science and Engineering undergraduates, Class 2022-2

Outstanding Youth League Branch

League Branch of QM022204

League Branch of QM022201

League Branch of QM022203

League Branch of QM022205

League Branch of QM012201

Outstanding Student Union Branch

QMES Student Union

Five-star Student Society

Ao’xiang Student Debate Club (QMES)

Individual Awards:

Top Ten Outstanding Club Advisors

Huang Quanzhang

May Fourth Red Flag Bearer, Top Ten Student Union Cadres

Ma Zhiheng

The Most Admirable Youth League Branch Secretary of May Fourth

Liu Yuxin

Most Outstanding Youth Volunteer

Deng Yifan

Excellent Youth League Cadre

Shi Lingzi, Hu Xinrui, Yang Liu, Zhao Yizhi, Guo Huanshuo

Let’s step into QMES’s “May Fourth” commendation ceremony together and witness the outstanding collectives and individuals, feeling their youthful vigour and charm!

Advanced Student Union Branch:

QMES Student Union

Main achievements:

Over the past year, under the strong leadership of the QMES Party Committee and the dedicated guidance of the Youth League Committee of QMES, the QMES Student Union has continued to advance its work. Aligned with NPU’s system for cultivating “Chief Engineer-type” talents, we have wholeheartedly served our fellow students, delving into their daily academic and personal lives to address urgent issues and concerns. The Student Union’s heartwarming Academic Support Team, consisting of “more than ten courses and over fifty members”, covers curriculum from freshmen to juniors, accumulating over 2000 hours of voluntary service and assisting nearly 400 students in QMES. Responding to students’ extracurricular interests, the QMES Student Union has launched a series of popular activities under the “Enjoyable and Engaging” brand. The “Starry Cup” English Speech Contest attracted over 120 Chinese and international students from 14 colleges; the “QMES Cup” Small Group Basketball Tournament broke down grade barriers, promoting interaction and communication among students of all years. Initiatives like “Wood Forest Becomes Forest” encourage everyone to appreciate nature and explore the pulse of the world with their feet. Addressing topics of interest to students, the QMES Student Union has revitalized the new media matrix with a fresh look. The official WeChat public account has seen a growth of over 20% in followers, with 249 articles published this year, totalling over 230,000 reads. Innovatively introducing columns such as “Road to Excellence”, QMES Student Union highlights local role models and celebrates the power of youth. Using comics to revisit memorable moments, the QMES Student Union reflects on the past year at QMES, with articles published under the Student Union’s name as headliners on the official public account of the Youth League Committee of NPU. Enhancing organizational exchanges and reaching out to the global stage, Student Union initiated the “Hand in Hand with the World, Setting Sail for Dreams” national exchange event for student unions from Sino-foreign cooperative colleges across the country. QMES Student Union participated twice in the International Student Leadership Exchange Camp at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and the Student Innovation Forum at the Sichuan University-Pittsburgh Institute.

May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Branch:

League Branch of QM022202

Main achievements:

QM012202 Youth League Branch is a collective driven by ideals and dedicated to pursuing dreams with unwavering commitment. Recently recognized as a “Five-Star Youth League Branch” within its tier, the branch comprises 16 league members, 3 prospective members, and 5 active party applicants. Emphasizing ideological development, it diligently implements monthly meetings, educational sessions, and current affairs discussions. Regular activities include Youth League Day celebrations and patriotic initiatives. Academically, members excel with 4 ranking in the top 10 for professional credits, earning multiple national and first-class scholarships totalling over 10 awards. In innovation and technology competitions, they have garnered 3 international awards, 8 provincial awards, and more than 20 school-level accolades. Actively promoting industry-academia collaboration, members engage with factories, visit renowned enterprises, and have signed 3 cooperation agreements to advance scientific research and innovation. With a cumulative 1500 hours of voluntary service, they contribute significantly to community welfare, notably supporting academic guidance initiatives across the institute. Upholding the motto “Across the rivers and seas, with favourable winds and unfurled sails”, QM012202 Youth League Branch remains steadfast in its commitment to excellence, aiming to lead the era and showcase youthful vigour with integrity, perseverance, dedication to learning, and aspiration for continuous improvement.

Five-star Student Society:

Ao’xiang Student Debate Club

Main achievements:

The Soaring Student Debate Society, as the sole organization at NPU dedicated to cultivating a multifaceted set of language skills including critical thinking, expression, public speaking, and debate, adheres to the motto “Inspire Wisdom, Illuminate Reasoning”. Over the past year, the society has hosted four major school events such as the “Ao’xiang Cup” Debate Tournament and the “Elite Cup” Debate Competition, alongside four college-level activities. Under the guidance of the QMES, the society initiated distinctive events like the “Firmly Follow the Party & Strive to Be Excellent Youth of the New Era” themed debate competition. Moreover, it organized two provincial-level events including the Chinese Debate World Cup Golden League, reaching a cumulative audience of 1000 participants. Actively fostering collaboration with other universities, the society aims for mutual advancement. During the 2023-2024 season, it achieved outstanding results with one championship, three runner-up titles, and three third-place finishes. Members excelled in major competitions such as the Chinese Debate World Cup Golden League and the Shaanxi Province “Shenhe Cup” Invitational, earning over ten Best Speaker awards. Beyond competitions, society members actively engaged in volunteer activities such as the “Sunshine Project” and “Leadership Action”, collectively contributing over 2500 hours of community service. Through these endeavours, they strive to voice the aspirations of the youth in the new era, embodying the principles of integrity and eloquence.

May Fourth Red Flag Bearer, Top Ten Student Union Cadres:

Ma Zhiheng, a probationary member of the Communist Party of China, is a 2021 undergraduate student majoring in Materials Science and Engineering. Currently, he holds several prominent roles including Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Innovation at the Youth League Committee of NPU, Executive Chair of the QMES Student Union, Head of the NPU Student Union Organization and Construction Center, and Class Monitor for the 2021 Materials Science and Engineering Major. Consistently ranking first in her year for overall academic performance, Ma Zhiheng has earned accolades such as the May Fourth Red Flag Bearer, Star of Ethics, Top Ten Student Union Cadres, Wu Yazhong First Prize Scholarship, and Xiaomi Special Scholarship. Under her leadership, her class was recognized as the “May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Branch”, and the QMES Student Union was awarded “Advanced Student Union Branch” status for the first time. He has co-authored two SCI Q1 papers and one SCI Q3 paper as a second author and holds seven authorized or publicly disclosed invention patents. Her achievements include seven national-level awards such as the International Gold Award at the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition and the National First Prize in the “Challenge Cup” Competition. He represented NPU at the 23rd China Annual Conference and Expo for International Education, delivering a keynote address at a sub-forum. Additionally, he was selected as a bilingual commentator for the Diving World Cup (Xi’an Station).

The Most Admirable Youth League Branch Secretary of May Fourth:

Liu Yuxin, a 2022 undergraduate student at QMES, is a member of the Communist Youth League. Currently serving as the Youth League Branch Secretary for QM012202, she also leads the Materials Department of the Warm Academic Assistance Team. In the academic year 2022-2023, Liu Yuxin achieved the second-highest credit ranking in her major. She has been awarded the National Scholarship and NPU’s first-class scholarship for the academic year 2022-2023, as well as honours such as Outstanding Communist Youth League Member and Advanced Individual in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. She has actively participated in various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions and academic contests, earning two International Gold Awards at the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition, a provincial Gold Award at the “Internet +” Competition, and a provincial first prize at the Higher Education Society Cup China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, among many other honours. She has accumulated over 200 hours of volunteer service.

Excellent Youth League Cadre:

Yang Liu, an undergraduate student majoring in Polymer Materials and Engineering from the class of 2022, currently serves as the Youth League Branch Secretary for the Polymer Department and is responsible for the Cultural and Sports Activities Center of the QMES Student Union. Previously, she held the position of Class Monitor for QM022201. Yang has been awarded a second-class scholarship from NPU and a first-class scholarship from QMES. Her accolades include winning two International Gold Awards at the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition (2023), a provincial third prize at the ICAN College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and over 20 other university-level awards and recognitions. As the first author, Yang Liu has published one SCI paper and has one invention patent publicly disclosed. She is dedicated to student affairs, actively serving her peers, and has been honoured with the title of Outstanding Communist Youth League Member, with a cumulative volunteer service of over 300 hours. Her innovation team has been incubated at the Ao’xiang Hackerspace, receiving collective honours such as Advanced Team on four occasions.

Shi Lingzi, a 2021 undergraduate student at QMES, holds several important roles within QMES. She serves as the Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of QMES, the Youth League Branch Secretary for the 2021 class, and is a member of the College Student Union. She has been recognized with a second-class scholarship at both the school and college levels for the academic years 2021-2022. She has also received consecutive awards for Outstanding Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team Scholarship for two years, along with honours such as Outstanding Communist Youth League Member and Advanced Individual in Academic Achievement. Her academic achievements include winning second place in the 2023 Northwest University Physics Experiment Competition and third prize in the “Sanhang Cup” competition at NPU. She has led two provincial-level research projects and contributed as the second author to the publication of one SCI paper. Additionally, she has applied for one invention patent.

Hu Xinrui, a 2021 undergraduate student at QMES, majors in Polymer Materials Science and Engineering and serves as the Youth League Branch Secretary of her class. Additionally, she holds the position of Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of QMES, demonstrating exceptional academic achievements and a rigorous scholarly attitude. Known for her self-discipline and strong work ethic, she excels in both individual tasks and collaborative projects, actively participating in various campus activities while maintaining high standards for herself. She has been awarded titles such as Outstanding Student and has received scholarships at both school and college levels, including the Wu Yajun Third Prize Scholarship. She has participated in a provincial-level College Students’ Innovative Entrepreneurial Training Plan Program and has garnered multiple provincial-level gold awards at the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition. Engaging in numerous winter and summer social practice activities, she has consistently achieved outstanding results, showcasing a commitment to practical experience and a spirit of innovation.

Zhao Yizhi, a probationary member of the Communist Party of China, serves as the Youth League Branch Secretary of QM022104 at QMES. Currently, he holds the position of a principal member in the Organization Department of the Youth League Committee of NPU. He is recognized as an outstanding participant in the 15th session of the university’s “Youth Horse Project” for outstanding students. Zhao Yizhi has been awarded as an excellent Communist Youth League member at the school level in both 2022 and 2023 and has also received awards for innovation and entrepreneurship, social practice, and academic progress at the college level in those same years. In his social practice endeavours, he has achieved distinctions such as the Outstanding Social Practice Award during winter and summer breaks. In the realm of innovation and entrepreneurship, he has engaged in a national-level College Students’ Innovative Entrepreneurial Training Plan Program and has been honoured with an international bronze award at the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition, as well as a third prize in the “Sanhang Cup” competition at the school level.

Guo Huanshuo, a 2021 undergraduate student at QMES, serves as the Deputy Minister of the Student Union’s Department of the Youth League Committee of NPU. Guo Huanshuo has been honoured with various awards nine times, including recognition as an “Outstanding Volunteer” at Shaanxi Province’s University Science Camp, “Outstanding Communist Youth League Member”, and “Top Ten Stars of Clubs”. Guo has achieved first place in the 21st “Sanhang Cup” Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition and has received five other awards. During his tenure in the Youth League Committee of NPU, he has reviewed and approved nearly 300 school-level student club activities, collectively engaging over 30,000 participants. Guo Huanshuo has contributed to organizing and planning major campus events such as the “9th/10th Student Club Expo”, “10th/11th Student Club Cultural Festival”, and “Club Cup Joint Welcome Party”. He directed the online broadcast of the “10th Student Club Cultural Festival Opening Ceremony”, which attracted over ten thousand viewers. His series of organized activities have been featured twice on the “School Communist Youth League” public account. Guo Huanshuo has accumulated over 500 hours of volunteer service.

Most Outstanding Youth Volunteer:

Deng Yifan, a 2022 undergraduate student at QMES, is a probationary member of the Communist Party of China. Currently, he serves as the Director of the Office of Volunteer Department of the Youth League Committee of NPU and is the class monitor of QM022204. Deng Yifan has been awarded the National Scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year, as well as the First-Class Scholarship of NPU and the college-level Special Scholarship. He has actively participated in various activities such as “Brilliant Sunlight: Online Teaching Support”, “Soaring Warmth Delivery”, and “Youth Education Assistance Station Peer Support”. Deng has received multiple honours including the school-level “Outstanding Volunteer”, “Outstanding Communist Youth League Member”, “Advanced Individual in Social Practice”, and provincial-level “Outstanding Organizer of Volunteer Service at Posts”, accumulating over 500 hours of personal volunteer service.


Over the past year, the Youth League Committee of QMES has effectively strengthened the ideological and political guidance for the youth in QMES. We organized and mobilized young league members to aspire to achieve great deeds in the new era and pursue their dreams with vigour and determination, writing magnificent chapters in their youth. Over the past year, they have bravely strived to be the best and achieved excellent results.

In future work, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Youth League Committee of QMES will continue under the strong leadership of the QMES Party Committee. We will emphasize enhancing students’ ideological guidance and comprehensive development, further optimizing the construction of youth organizations, and focusing on cultivating more outstanding teams and student clubs. This will inject new vitality and momentum into the development of QMES.

We hope that the recognized advanced teams and individuals will take this as a new starting point, forge ahead with renewed determination, pioneer new paths, and strive forward. At the same time, we encourage all QMES students to emulate these exemplary teams and individuals, work diligently with courage and determination, and paint their youth with a solid foundation. Embrace the responsibilities of our times with practical actions, dare to dream and act, achieve excellence, and write the most beautiful chapter of youth with ideals.

Photo: Various award-winning teams and individuals

Text: Various award-winning teams and individuals, and Li Ruochen

Editor: Tang Yinwen

Translator: Shen Xinyi

Reviewer: Cheng Yin

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