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QMES held an experience exchanging meeting of IELTS test

Date:2020-10-27 ClickTimes: Author:

On October 18, 2020, Wang Tingyi, a student in Class 2017 of QMES, combined her own personal experience of IELTS test and gave anexperience exchanging meeting in Room 410. The meeting was conducted in a combination of online and offline methods.More than 40 studentsattended this meeting.

Miss Wang shared her IELTS test experience with studentsbyfour sections, "Introduction to the Improving Process", "Introduction to IELTS", "Introduction to Personal Experience (Techniques)" and "Recommended Books and APP". Miss Wang has taken the IELTS test 6 times and the scores of oral and writing were improved from 5.5 to 7. After each exam, she would analyze and summarize the shortcomings based on the results and scoring criteria, and constantly improve her comprehensive ability. Miss Wang explained the types of questions in IELTS test patiently, introduced her practice experience and skills of different parts of IELTS test and sharedsometipstoimprove the scores quickly. Finally, Miss Wang recommended the series books "Cambridge IELTS", the official account of IELTS BRO and Xiaozhan IELTS APP to the students, hoping to help them improve their language ability effectively.

In the interaction part, students asked questions actively and Miss Wang answered their questions patiently. Students were full of longing for the study and life abroad by this experience exchanging meeting. This meeting has deepened their understanding of the IELTS test, and they expressed that they benefited a lot .

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