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The Experience Sharing Meeting for Further Studies was Successfully Held by QMES

Date:2021-07-06 ClickTimes: Author:

In order to further strengthen the academic development guidance for students of all grades of QMES, and provide ways and references for students to continue their further studies, an “Experience Sharing Meeting for Further Studies” was held in the Lecture Hall D100 of West Teaching Building on June 29.Cheng Yin, Vice Dean of QMES, and Huang Quanzhang, Counselor of Grade 2020, attended this sharing meeting.

QMES invited students with outstanding performance in both postgraduate entrance examination and overseas study to share their experience, which can offer different information to meet the diverse needs of students in their further studies.

Firstly, as an excellent example of obtaining the Master of Law from Beijing Normal University with excellent results, Chen Na, an undergraduate of grade 2017 majoring in materials science and engineering,shared methods and strategies in how to choose the university, how to manage your time effectually during preparing for Postgraduate Entrance Examination. She suggested that younger students think carefully about their future planning and decide after comprehensively considering the factors such as interest subject and personal reality, to avoid being interfered by unreal public opinions. Then, Chen Na deeply analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the cross-major postgraduate entrance examination, and communicated and interacted with the students who wanted to change their majors in postgraduate life.Finally, she encouraged students to set up long-term goals, improve their learning efficiency, find suitable learning methods, maintain an optimistic attitude, and keep the courage to overcome learning anxiety.

After that, Zhang Haoguo, an undergraduate of grade 2017 majoring in polymer materials and engineering from QMES, who has obtained offers from world-class universities such as University College London and the University of Tokyo, shared his mental journey in the process of entering a target university.He said that he had fallen into a learning trough during his freshman and sophomore years and couldn’t find a direction to work hard in confusion. However, he quickly adjusted his mind and studied diligently, improved his learning methods and working ideas, and finally found a way forward and realized a perfect transformation. Furthermore, he suggested that students make plans, actively obtain relevant information, always maintain enthusiasm for learning, strengthen communication and collaboration with teachers and students, and constantly improve their comprehensive capabilities.

Finally, Vice Dean Cheng Yin summarized and hoped that students could find the right direction, cherish the good learning environment, further correct their learning attitude, strengthen the communication with their teachers and classmates, so as to help each other and make progress together.

The sharing meeting has solved students’confusion and doubts in the cross-major postgraduate entrance examination and further study abroad, provided rich practical experience for them, and entirely played the exemplary and guiding role of outstanding seniors. At the same time, this meeting also pointed out the direction for students with the intention of further study, created an intense learning atmosphere, and effectively promoted the improvement of the effectiveness of the guidance education for further research and the construction of a good style of learning in QMES.

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