Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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QMES Held the Twelfth Joint Administrative Committee Meeting

Date:2021-12-16 ClickTimes: Author:

On December 15, 2021, the Twelfth Joint Administrative Committee (hereinafter referred to as “JAC”) Meeting of QMES was held at the Conference Room 602 of West Building of Graduate Studies.Wan Xiaopeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of NPU and the Chair of JAC, hosted the meeting, and 12 JAC members were present, including Zhang Weihong, Vice President of NPU; Wang Haipeng, Director of Teaching Affairs Department; Han Suomin, Director of Finance Department; Zhang Fuli, Director of International Cooperation Office; Wang Hongqiang, Deputy Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering; Kong Jie, Dean of QMES; and professors of QMUL—Teresa Alonso-Rasgado, Anne Parry, Hazel Screen, Mike Reece, Anthony Michael and Andy Bushby.

Wan Xiaopeng expressed his gratitude to all the teachers and management team of QMES for their hard work in the past year. With the mutual cooperation and effort of both universities, all the staff members tried their best to overcome a series of inconveniences caused by Covid-19 to ensure the normal operation of all the activities of QMES.In 2021, 237 undergraduates successfully graduated as QMES’s first batch of graduates. The overall numbers of further studying students were more than 80%, and their offers were mainly from University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, Tsinghua University, University College London, ETH Zurich, HEC Paris, the University of Tokyo, the National University of Singapore and other world-class universities, which showed the remarkable achievements of QMES in talent cultivation.In addition, QMES participated in the professional certification of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3), and its education and teaching quality was highly praised.Furthermore, at the 2021 Working Conference of Shaamxi Provincial Higher Education Association and the Sixth Forum of Shaanxi Sino-foreign Cooperative Education, QMES won the “Excellent Institution Award of Sino-foreign Cooperative Educational” for the second time.Anthony Michael spoke highly of the achievements of QMES, and noted thatQMUL would fully support the teaching work of QMES and promote its development of international talent cultivation to a new level.

Han Suomin and Anne Parry respectively gave the 2021 annual finance report and 2022 annual budget of QMES. Then, Kong Jie, Dai Fuping, Andy Bushby, Fan Xiaoli and Cheng Yin reported on the work progress of JRI-AMAS, ICTL, the double master programme, the teaching affairs, and the student affairs.Members of the two sides discussed a series of issues and reached several consensuses.

Based on the new development stage, QMES will continue to build the high-quality system of talent cultivation in a vigorous spirit, and actively respond to the continuing impact of COVID-19.By further expanding the teaching and scientific research cooperation platform, improving the level of running school and the quality of talent cultivation, and making concerted use of the resources of these two universities, QMES will try its best to realize the new height of students’ career development in the future and write a brilliant overseas chapter of talent cultivation of “NPU Phenomenon”.

Editor: Wu Sijia

Text: Zhang Han.

Review: Kong Jie.

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