In order to implementtheaction planforfirst-class undergraduateseducationof NPU, improve theeducationquality of QMES and help international talentseducationin joint education, QMES heldtwoseminarsfor teachers and studentsonaction planforfirst-class undergraduateseducationseparately. Teacher representativeson bothNPU and QMUL sidesand student representatives from QMES attended the seminars.
The first seminar was held on June 30thin XA407, West Teaching Building Youyi Campus. The meeting was held online and offline. Fan Xiaoli, Dean of QMES, Dai Fuping, Secretary of the Party Committee of QMES, Cheng Yin, Deputy Dean of QMES, Yang Ye, Director of the Teaching Office of QMES, Huang Quanzhang, Director of Student Affairs Office of QMES and 17 teachers, including Yan Yi, Wang Jun, Liu Zhe, etc and 6 student representatives from QMES attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Fan Xiaoli.
At the beginning of the meeting, Fan Xiaoli first made an overall introduction to the action plan for the first-class undergraduates education of QMES on the basis of the actual situation of QMES, including 7 major aspects and 30objectivesand requirements of the action plan. She also summarized the current implementation situation, main work and achievements that have been made. She hoped that this meeting would enhance the communication between teachers and students, making teachers further understand students’ experience and suggestions on classroom teaching so as to make more reasonable arrangements and improvements to the teaching affairs of QMES.

Afterwards, student representatives expressed their opinions actively. They expressed their recognition towards the effect of classroom teaching and some problems that they have encountered in classroom teaching, including how to make students understand knowledge better, how to make better cohesion and coherence of teaching content. They also provided some suggestions towards classroom teaching and hoped that teachers could impart professional knowledge in an easy-to-understand way. The teachers gave detailed explanations to the questions raised by student representatives.
At the seminar, attendance of students was mainly discussed. StudentrepresentativesDeng Yechuan, Li Ziqian and Feng Zhuoya also expressed their opinions from the perspectives of asking questions in class, improving teaching artistry and increasing learning consciousness. They hoped that teachers could enhance the fun and artistry of class teaching and simplify the slides and teach more learning methods and experiences to enhance students’ interest and attract more students to participate in classroom learning. Fan Xiaoli and other teachers also made detailed responses and reasonable plans to the opinions and suggestions put forward by students in the follow-up exchanges. After that, Yang Ye, Director of the Teaching Affairs Office, gave a report on the construction of the first-class undergraduate curriculum,modules onideological and politicaleducationand the construction of teaching materials of QMES. Yang Ye encouraged teachers to apply for curriculum and teaching materials construction projects and hoped to promote the project together with all the teachers.

Finally, Dai Fuping, Secretary of the Party Committee of QMES, emphasized that teachers should adopt various opinions, not only to improve the depth and breadth of knowledge imparting, but also to pay attention to students’ style of learning. He hoped that QMES would pay more attention to students affairs, promoting all-round development of students, implementing first-class undergraduates education action plan and promoting high-quality connotative development of education when deepening the reform of education and teaching.
On July 1, QMES held aStudent-StaffLiaisonCommitteemeeting online. At the meeting, the first-class undergraduateseducationaction plan was discussed for the second time. Fan Xiaoli, Dean of QMES, Cheng Yin, Deputy Dean of QMES, Wu Ajing, Directorof General Affairs office, Yang Ye, Director of TeachingAffairsOffice, Qi Yue, Education Manager, and teacher representatives from QMUL, including Maria Romero-Gonzalez, Gabriel Cavalli, Alan Allman, Faith Nightingale, Andrew Spowage, teacher representatives from NPU, Shi Xuetao, Gao Pengfei, Zheng Zebang, Xiao Manyu, Zhang Juan, Chen Xiaopeng, Xi Hengdong and student representatives attended the meeting.

Themeetingwas presided over by Fan Xiaoli. First of all, Fan Xiaoli gave a brief introduction to the first-class undergraduateseducationaction plan of NPU, andintroducedrelevant requirements of NPU towards first-classundergraduates education. Afterwards, student representatives talked about the problems encountered by the students during their study and life in NPUas well asdifficulties and confusions they have encountered from the aspects of the curriculum arrangement, personal development plan, the role of teaching assistants and gave some targeted suggestions.
Stafffrom both NPU and QMUL gave detailed answers to students’ questions, and expressed that they would spare no effort to help and support students and provide them with good learning resources. They hoped that students could strengthen their self-managementskills,increasetheir class participation, and communicate with teachers in time about the difficulties in learning and improve learning efficiency. At the same time, QMES would comprehensively consider relevant factors, continuously optimize the course structure, and improve the quality and efficiency of teaching. Finally, Yang Ye gave a brief report on the implementation measures and results of current first-class undergraduateseducationof QMES in terms of enrollment,education, and employment.
With the holding of several seminars, teachers and students further learned the first-class undergraduateseducationaction plan of NPU, and reached a consensus on how to promote education and teaching reform of QMES. In the future, QMES will continue to focus on the construction ofcurriculum, teaching staff, and curriculum systems, and conduct extensive research and in-depth discussions to promote the implementation of the first-class undergraduateseducationaction plan so as to helpeducatinginternational leading talentswith patriotismand pursue excellence.
Text: Fan Lanyu
Picture: Fan Lanyu
Review: Fan Xiaoli
Translator: Li Qianqian