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The Second Session of Ao’xiang Seminar Was Successfully Held--Li Meng's Lecture on "How do Young People Achieve a Brilliant Life"

Date:2022-06-13 ClickTimes: Author:

On June 9, Li Meng, Director of Network Ideological and Political Work Center of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology and University Counselor of the Year, was invited to give a theme lecture on "How do Young People Achieve a Brilliant Life", which was one of the series of Ao’xiang Seminar activities, in East Teaching Building A410. The activity was co-organized by Student Affairs Department of the Party Committee and QMES. A group of QMES leaders and representatives of teachers and students and their Party branches attended the lecture presided over by Fan Xiaoli, Dean of QMES.

First of all, Fan Xiaoli, on behalf of the teachers and students of the school, extended a warm welcome to the guests and introduced Li Meng. Starting the lecture by citing two classic lines, Mr. Li encouraged young people to strive for success. He then elaborated on college students' academic performance, ability improvement, self-management and career planning along with some constructive suggestions.

Then, li Ziqian, the student host, conducted an interview with Li Meng based on the topics appealing to the audience. Based on his own experience, Li Meng expressed that to achieve a brilliant college life in the new era, students should establish a lofty ideal, grasp professional knowledge and cultivate a high degree of self-discipline. He suggested that students be strict with themselves, set clear learning goals, and actively participate in social practice, innovation and entrepreneurship activities while mastering theoretical knowledge, so as to make sensible career development plans.

After listening to teacher Li Meng's sharing and suggestions,Deeply motivated by the remarks, participants found themselves excited and inspired. Working hard is the brightest color of youth, and taking actions is the best trial for young people. May everyone achieve a wonderful life in the new era.

Text: Li Ziqian

Photo: Wang Xiao, Liu Jianyu

Editor: Wu Sijia

Editor in Charge: Xu Weihang

Translator: Liu Yang

Review: Cheng Yin

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