Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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Queen Mary University of London Engineering School, NPU

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QMES organizes students to participate in the school's "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Showcase" and "Double Venture" story sharing session

Date:2020-10-13 ClickTimes: Author:

In order to enable students to fully understand the results of the school's innovation and entrepreneurship education, to guide students to change their learning style, to actively cultivate innovative ideas, and to further create a good atmosphere of "Mass entrepreneurship and innovation" in the school, QMES organized students to participate in the "Typical Projects of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Showcase" and "Double Venture" Story Sharing MeetinginQi Zhen Building on 10 October 2020. The sharing session was organized by the Student Affairs Department ofNPUand focused on the educational achievements of innovation and entrepreneurship in the university this year. The champion and gold medal projects of the sixth Internet+ provincial competition, the award-winning projects related to the Challenge Cup provincial competition, the excellent projects of undergraduate and graduate innovation base and the excellent projects of the industrial training center were all exhibited on the spot, and the counsellor of the class of 2020, Mr. Huang Quanzhang, led the students visit the scientific and technological innovation achievements andjointhe innovation experiencemeetingshared by the senior students.

The first project on display was a new vertical take-off and landing high-speed drone, which won the championship in the past University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in the higher education track. This new UAV, which has the advantages of both helicopter and fixed-wing, has successfully completed its first conversion flight, and its comprehensive technology has reached the international advanced level. The students listened attentively and were very enthusiastic in their learning.

The next demonstration was the "Aoxiang Ruiying - All-Digital Radiation Detection and Imaging System Project". The project, from a practical point of view, has a broad technical application prospect in radiation dose monitoring, X-ray imaging,γ-ray imaging, etc. The third demonstration was an industrial simulation project.

The third display is the industrial simulation software project. This industrial simulation software focuses on national needs, filling the gaps in China's industrial market, creating a huge social value, will effectively help China's industrial development, saving scientific research funds, human and material resources, breaking the monopoly of foreign industries, the students listened attentively to the seniors introduction aboutinnovative ideas and entrepreneurial experience.

The fourth project displayed is a self-organized wireless communication platform for Industry 4.0, which focuses on the shortcomings of China's market infrastructure, low density of base stations and weak network signal coverage, and develops low-latency and high-reliability communication service products with great market prospects.

The last showcase is the light and small robot collaborative epidemic prevention definer project, which focuses on the epidemic situation to develop a flexible epidemic prevention, safe and non-intrusive to humans light and small epidemic prevention robot. The application of intelligent epidemic prevention system solutions, with its strong core competitiveness at the top of the industry.

In addition, around the central area also placed many outstanding scientific and technological innovation projects and their models, and the explanation board pasted on the wall introduced the product principles for students in detail, helping them to understand the product itself more deeply and providing ideas for future innovation activities.

The excellent projects of the seniors in this activity played a very good role of learning for the students, which not only expanded their scientific knowledge and horizons, but also pointed out the direction for the students' future innovation, and inspired the students' innovation enthusiasm and practical ideas. Mr. Huang, the counselor, reminded everyone that on the basis of learning professional courses.They should focus on the future, pay attention to the development of the industry, accumulate constantly, actively participate in all kinds of innovation and entrepreneurship activities, and be brave to carry out scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship practice, so as to add color to their university life and accumulate experience and wealth for their future working life.

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